Dr. Frank Marzano earned a Ph.D. in Mathematics from NIU in 1995 and serves as an Associate Professor at Edinboro University in Pennsylvania. He is also a musician. Library employee Kay Shelton suggested to him that the NIU Fight Song could be slowed down and incorporated into this Web site and Dr. Marzano worked on a new arrangement of it, including playing all of the instruments on the recording. Here is his version of the "Huskie Fight Song," ". . . respectfully dedicated to the victims of the 2/14/08 shootings at Northern Illinois University:"
Huskie Fight Song
Your browser may ask you to click to open the file. You may need RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, or an MP3 player and speakers or earphones to hear the music. The file size is around 2 MG and may take a little while to open and start, depending on the speed of your Internet connection. It will work best on a fast Internet connection (probably not dial-up).
Huskie Fight Song
Words by Francis Stroup
Music by A. Neil Annas
"Huskies, come on you Huskies
and make a score or two
Huskies, you’re Northern Huskies
the team to pull us through
Forward, together forward
there’s victory in view
Come on your Huskies, Fight on you
Huskies and win for N. I. U."
The words of "Forward, Together Forward" written by Francis Stroup took on new meaning after they became incorporated into signs, banners, and messages of strength to unite the campus and the community at large following the shooting. The lyrics came from Francis Stroup, who coached swimming from 1960 to 1968.1 He set the words to an earlier melody written by A. Neil Annas, who led the men's and women's glee clubs, a band, and an orchestra. 2 He also gave piano solo performances, chaired the Committee on Athletics, became the first Dean of Men, and served on the faculty from 1912 until 1951.3 Dean Annas additionally served as the advisor for the Cavaliers, an honor society for men organized in 1938, and helped as a counselor, indicating to the students that he was "ready at any time to share their confidence and help . . . in any difficulties that might arise during the year."4 It seems fitting that music written by such a dedicated faculty member became associated with a song whose words became a source of strength and comfort.

Puddy Tat peers out the door window of Deésse: The Sycamore Scent Shop & Boutique next to a Forward, Together Forward sign produced by the Sycamore and DeKalb Chambers of Commerce in a photo by Rodney Neace.5
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Huskies on Parade
1. Hayter, Earl W. Education in Transition: The History of Northern Illinois University. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1974, p. 426.
2. Hayter, p. 173.
3. Hayter, p. 189.
4. Hayter, p. 196.
5. Deésse: The Sycamore Scent Shop & Boutique. (2008). "Puddy Tat: The Shop Cat." Retrieved August 19, 2008 from: