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Beadle's Dime Fiction

the Dime library of Choice Fiction, of which only six numbers appeared, was probably not a success, for five months later the publishers put out a new series entitled Beadle's Dime Fiction. This was apparently considered a continuation of the former series, for the first few numbers are marked "New Series," while the later ones are marked "Octavo Series." The booklets are 9 1/8 by 5 7/8 inches in size, are trimmed, and contain from 36 to 42 pages. They have the typical orange wrappers of the original Dime Novels, and a cut in black line on the front cover (Fig. 36). There are two columns to the page, seven lines to the inch, and some of the numbers have a frontispiece showing the same picture as that on the cover. Inside the front wrapper is a "Bulletin" of the Beadle publications for the coming month, while the two sides of the back wrapper contain advertisements of various other Beadle publications. The novels themselves are undated, although the dates appear in the announcements in the "Bulletin," but they are marked "Published Monthly." Nine numbers were published, the series ending July 11, 1865. Beadle and Company, 118 William Street, was the publishers' imprint.

Fig 36.  Beadle's Dime Fiction

Fig 36. Beadle's Dime Fiction
Nine numbers appeared between November, 1864 and July, 1865

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