Beadle's Dime Library of Choice Fiction
IN No. 5 of Beadle's Dime Tales, Traditions and Romance of Border and Revolutionary Times appeared the announcement of a new series, Beadle's Dime Library of Choice Fiction. The first number, a reprint of John Neal's "Switch Tail Pacer" under the new title "The White Faced Pacer," was announced to appear on Tuesday, January 12, 1864. Only six numbers of the series were issued, the last appearing June 21, 1864. The booklets are of the same size as the Dime Novels, approximately 6 1/8 by 4 1/8 inches, and have buff wrappers. The front cover (Fig. 35) is embellished with a woodcut, but there is neither frontispiece nor other illustration. There are from 100 to 112 single-column pages of pica type. The publishers' imprint is Beadle & Co., 118 William Street. Inside the front cover appears a blurb and announcement of the succeeding number of the series, and on both sides of the back cover there are advertisements of other Beadle dime books.