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New Twenty-Five Cent Novels

ANOTHER ATTEMPT of Beadle & Company, 98 William Street, at publishing higher-priced novels was the series called The New Twenty-five Cent Novels (Fig. 49). The first number appeared November 1, 1869, and the last, No. 4, early in February, 1870. The public, now accustomed to ten cent novels, appeared unwilling to go back to those of higher price. The booklets are 9 by 5 3/4 inches in size, have 128 double-column pages, and are encased in orange-brown wrappers which contain on the front a woodcut printed in black. There is no frontispiece. Within a double line box, the title of the series appears in white letters on a black ground, and the figures "25" and the word "Cents" are in a circle. Below this comes the woodcut, then the type-set title of the story, and finally, below that, the publishers' name and address in a device similar to that which contains the title of the series at the top of the page. The date of issue was supposed to be the first day of each month. The final number contains the announcement that Beadle's weekly story paper has "Come at last," and it was perhaps for that reason that the issuance of this series came to an end. No. 1 of the Saturday Journal came on March 19, 1870.

Fig 49.  The New Twenty-Five Cent Novels.

Fig 49. The New Twenty-Five Cent Novels.
Four numbers were issued in 1869 and 1870.

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