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A List of the Principal Beadle Publications

Arranged in the Order of Appearance of No. I of Each Series. Giving the Dates of the First and Last Numbers and the Numbers Issued Each Year


1860. DN

Dime Novels. No. 1, June 9, 1860, to No. 321, November 17, 1874. 1860(1-13), 1861(14-33), 1862(34-48), 1863(49-63), 1864(64-76), 1865(77-88), 1866(89-113), 1867(114-140), 1868(141-167), 1869(168-193), 1870(194-219), 1871(220-245), 1872(246-272), 1873(273-298), 1874(299-321)
New Dime Novels.No. 322, Dec. 1, 1874, to No. 631, Nov. 3, 1885. 1874(322-324), 1875(325-350), 1876(351-376). 1877(377-402), 1878(403-428), 1879(429-454), 1880(455-480), 1881(481-506), 1882(507-532), 1883(533-558), 1884(559-587), 1885(588-631)

1860. 15¢N

Fifteen Cent Novels. No. 1,1860, to No. 22, May 1, 1861.
1860(1-13), 1861(14-22)

1860. 1/2DN

Half-Dime Novelette. Only one number issued. Dec. 5, 1860.

1861. Lon

American Library, London. No. 1, Feb. 15, 1861, to No. 60, Feb. 1, 1866. 1861(1-10), 1862(11-22), 1863(23-34), 1864(35-46), 1865 (47-58), 1866(59-60) Routledge published 1866(61-70), 1867(71-82), 1868(83-84)

Special publication. Maum Guinea. December, 1861.

1862. Lon6dT

Sixpenny Tales. No. 1, March 1, 1862, to No. 11, July 1, 1863. 1862(1-9), 1863(10-11)

1862. LonALT

American Library Tales. Vol. I, April, 1862, to Vol. IV, August, 1862.
1862(1 to III)

1862. SLR

Standard Library of Romance. Vol. I, July 19, 1862, to Vol. Ill, August 30, 1862.
1862(1 to III)

1863. TT&R

Tales, Traditions and Romance. No. 1, Sep. 15, 1863, to No. 12, August 10, 1864.
1863(1-4), 1864(5-12)

1863. IPB

Irwin P. Beadle's Ten Cent Novels. No. 1, Nov. 11, 1863, to No. 5, Feb. 1, 1864.
1863(1-4), 1864(5)

1863. IPB10¢S

Irwin P. Beadle's Ten Cent Stories. No. 1. 1863(1. No further data)

1863. AT

American Tales. No. 1, Nov. 12, 1863, to No. 92, April 13, 1872. 1863(1-2), 1864(3-14), 1865(15-30), 1866(31-41), 1867(42-44), 1868(45-47), 1869(48-60), 1870(61-72), 1871(73-88), 1872(89-92)

1864. DLCF

Dime Library of Choice Fiction. No. 1, Jan. 12, 1864, to No. 6, June 21, 1864.

1864. DF

Dime Fiction. No. 1, Nov. 15, 1864, to No. 9, July 11, 1865. 1864(1-2), 1865(3-9)

1864. DCS

Dime Classic Stories. Only one number issued. Dec. 20, 1864.

1865. IAN

Irwin's American Novels. No. 1, October 7,1865, to No. 48, December, 1868.
1865(1-4), 1866(5-23), 1867(24-37), 1868(38-48)

1867. I6PT

Irwin P. Beadle's Six Penny Tales. No. 1, 1867. (Only two numbers known.)

1868. 50¢B

Fifty Cent Books. Unnumbered. The first appeared September 15,1866, the last January 2, 1869.

1869. AN

Frank Starr's American Novels. No. 1, a reprint in 1869, to No. 221, May 8, 1877. January, 1869, reissues (1-17), 1869(18-30), 1870(31-55), 1871(56-81), 1872(82-107), 1873 (108-133), 1874(134-159), 1875(160-185), 1876(186-211), 1877(212-221)

1869. 25¢N

Twenty-five Cent Novels. No. 1, November 1, 1869, to No. 4, February, 1870.
1869(1-2), 1870(3-4)

1869. 15¢IN

Frank Starr's Fifteen Cent Illustrated Novels. No. 1, Nov. 19, 1869, to No. 22, July 7, 1871.
1869(1-2), 1870(3-15), 1871(16-22)

1873. N&OF

New and Old Friends. No. 1, January 25, 1873, to No. 15, Dec. 12, 1873. No. 1 (n.s.). Dec. 30, 1873, to No. 3(n.s.), Feb. 21, 1874.

1874. BBR&A

Boy's Books of Romance and Adventure. No. 1, March 20, 1874, to No. 21, Dec. 31, 1874

1874. PN

Pocket Novels. No. 1, July 7, 1874, to No. 272, Nov. 25, 1884. 1874(1-13), 1875(14-39), 1876(40-65), 1877(66-91), 1878(92-118), 1879(119-144), 1880 (145-170), 1881(171-200), 1882(201-222), 1883(223-248), 1884(249-272)

1875. CEPA

Cheap Edition of Popular Authors. No. 1, (May 15), 1875, to No. 29, Sep. 15, 1877. 1875(1-8), 1876(9-20), 1877(21-29)

1875. 20¢N

Twenty Cent Novels. No. 1, July 30, 1875, to No. 32, Dec. 5, 1877. 1875(1-7), 1876(8-20), 1877(21-32)

1877. PL

Fireside Library. No. 1, April (10), 1877, to No. 145, June 29, 1882. 1877(1-40), 1878(41-47), 1879(48-53), 1880(54-80),1881(81-122),1882(123-145)

1877. 10¢PI

Frank Starr's Ten Cent Pocket Library. No. 1, May 4, 1877, to No. 6, July 30, 1877.

1877. NYL

Frank Starr's New York Dime Library. No. 1, May 10, 1877, to No. 26, February 7, 1878. 1877(1-23), 1878(24-26)
Continued as Beadle's Dime Library (q.v.)

1877. SSL

Sunnyside Library. No. 1, (July), 1877, to No. 6, Oct. 1877.

1877. 1/2DL

Half-Dime Library. No. 1, Oct. 15, 1877, to No. 1074, Feb. 22, 1898. Continued by M. J. Ivers & Co. No. 1075, March, 1898, to No. 1168, December, 1905. 1877(1-23), 1878(23-75), 1879(76-127), 1880(128-179),1881(180-231),1882(232-283),1883 (284-335), 1884(336-388), 1885(389-440), 1886(441-492), 1887(493-544), 1888(545-596), 1889(597-649), 1890(650-701), 1891(702-753), 1892(754-805), 1893(806-857), 1894(858-909), 1895(910-962), 1896(963-1014), 1897(1015-1066), 1898(1067-1084), 1899(1085-1096), 1900(1097-1108), 1901(1109-1120), 1902(1121-1132), 1903(1133-1144), 1904(1145-1156), 1905(1157-1168)

1878. DL

Dime Library. The first 26 numbers were reprints of NYL, no definite dates of issue, but were reprinted when early issues were exhausted. No. 27, Feb. 19, 1878, to No. 1009, Feb. 23, 1898. Continued by M. J. Ivers & Co. No. 1010, March, 1898, to No. 1103, December, 1905. 1878(27-57), 1879(58-84), 1880(85-114), 1881(115-166), 1882(167-218), 1883(219-270), 1884(271-323), 1885(324-375), 1886(376-427), 1887(428-479), 1888(480-531), 1889(532-583), 1890(584-636), 1891(637-688), 1892(689-740), 1893(741-792), 1894(793-844), 1895 845-896), 1896(897-949), 1897(950-1002), 1898(1003-1019), 1899(1020-1031), 1900(1032-1043), 1901(1044-1055), 1902(1056-1067), 1903(1068-1079), 1904(1080-1091), 1905(1092-1103)

1879. W4

Waverley Library (quarto). No. 1, Nov. 18, 1879, to No. 236, May 20, 1884. Beginning May 27, 1884, it was in octavo. 1879(1-7), 1880(8-59), 1881(60-111), 1882(112-163), 1883(164-215), 1884(216-236)

1881. B4

Boy's Library (quarto). No. 1, Dec. 14, 1881, to No. 121, April 2, 1884. Beginning April 19, 1884, it was in octavo. 1881(1-3), 1882(4-55), 1883(56-107), 1884(108-121)

1884. PL

Pocket Library. No. 1, January 16, 1884, to No. 492, June 14, 1893. 1884(1-51), 1885(52-103), 1886(104-155), 1887(156-207), 1888(208-259), 1889(260-311), 1890(312-364), 1891(365-416), 1892(417-468), 1893(469-492)

1884. B8

Boy's Library (octavo). No. 1, April 19, 1884, to No. 319, May 24, 1890. 1884(1-37), 1885(38-89), 1886(90-141), 1887(142-194), 1888(195-246), 1889(247-298), 1890 (299-319)

1884. W8

Waverley Library (octavo). No. 1, May 27, 1884, to No. 117, August 17, 1886.
1884(1-32), 1885(33-84), 1886(85-117)

1891. PopL

Popular Library. No. 1, April 1, 1891, to No. 48, Feb. 24, 1892. 1891(1-40), 1892(41-48)


1860. DBL

Dime Biographical Library. No. 1, Dec. 20, 1860, to No. 15, 1865.
1860(1), 1861(2-11), 1862(12-13), 1864(14), 1865(15)

1861. Lon6dB

Six Penny Biographies. London edition. No. 1, Jan. 15, 1861, to No. 7, Jan. 15, 1862.

1862. MT

Men of the Time. No. 1, September (19), 1862, to No. 3, Nov. 14, 1862. 1862(1-3)

1876. GA

Lives of Great Americans. No. 1, May 8, 1876, to No. 13, April 23, 1877.
1876(1-9), 1877(10-13)


(The numbers given are those of the complete series of Handbooks, as listed in Part III of this book)


Family Handbooks. No. 1, before July 14, 1859, to No. 13, Feb. 21, 1865.
1859(1-2), 1860(9), 1861(11), 1865(13)


Young People's Series. No. 3, Dec. 30, 1859, to No. 23, Dec. 30, 1876. 1859(3), 1860(4, 5, 8), 1863(12), 1868(14, 20), 1870(21), 1876(23)


Games and Pastimes. No. 6, April 25, 1860, to No. 25, 1880. 1860(6, 7, 10), 1866(14). 1867(15, 16, 17, 18), 1871(22), 1879(24), 1880(25)



Dime Song Books. No. 1, April, 1859, to No. 34, June 24, 1876. 1859(1-4), 1860(5-7), 1862(8-9), 1863(10-11), 1864(12-15), 1865(16), 1866(17-18), 1867 (19-20), 1868(21-22), 1869(23-24), 1870(25-26), 1871(27-29), 1872(30-31), 1873(32), 1874 (33), 1876(34)


One Cent Song Booths. Nos. 1 to 10, all in the year 1868.


Half-Dime Singer's Library. No. 1, May 18, 1878, to No. 43, March 29, 1879. 1878(1-30), 1879(31-43)



Dialogues. No. 1, July 20, 1859, to No. 41, Nov. 24, 1894. 1859(1), 1860(2), 1865(3), 1866(4), 1867(5-6), 1868(7) 1869(8), 1870(9), 1871(10), 1872 (11-13),1874(14-15),1875(16),1876(17-18), 1877(19-20), 1878(21-23), 1879(24-25), 1880 (26-27), 1881(28-29), 1883(30), 1884(31), 1885(32),1886(33),1887(34-35),1889(36), 1890 (37-38), 1891(39), 1892(40), 1894(41)


Speakers. No. 1, August 13, 1859, to No. 25, April 10, 1886. 1859(1), 1860(2), 1862(3), 1863(4), 1865(5), 1866(6), 1867(7), 1868(8-9), 1869(10), 1870 (11), 1871(12-13), 1872(14),1873(15),1874(16),1875(17),1876(18),1877(19-20), 1878(21), 1879(22-23), 1882(24), 1886(25)


1852. YC

The Youth's Casket. No. 1, January, 1852, to Dec. 1857. Annual volumes.

1856. Ho

The Home. January 1856 to June, 1860. 1856(1-11), 1857(III-IV), 1858(V-VI), 1859(VIP-VIII), 1860(IX)

1866. BMo

Beadle's Monthly. January, 1866 to June, 1867. 1866(1-11), 1867(111)

1870. SJ

Saturday Star Journal (with various slight changes of tide). March 19, 1870 to November 11, 1882. 1870(1-42), 1871(43-94),1872(95-146), 1873(147-198), 1874(199-250), 1875(251-302), 1876 (303-355), 1877(356-407), 1878(408-459), 1879(460-511), 1880(512-563), 1881(564-616), 1882(617-661)

1874. B&B

Belles and Beaux. January 31, 1874 to April 25, 1874.

1875. GT

Girls of Today. Dec. 4, 1875, to May 20, 1876. 1875(1-4), 1876(5-25)

1878. YNY

Young New Yorker. Nov. 25, 1878, to May 17, 1879.
1878(1-6), 1879(7-26)

1882. BW

Beadle's Banner Weekly. Nov. 18, 1882 to May 22, 1897. (Nos. 1 to 156 inclusive were called "Beadle's Weekly.") 1882(1-7), 1883(8-59), 1884(60-111), 1885(112-163), 1886(164-215), 1887(216-268), 1888 (269-320), 1889(321-372), 1890(373-424), 1891(425-476), 1892(477-529), 1893(530-581), 1894(582-633), 1895(634-685), 1896(686-737),1897(738-759)

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