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Frederick Templeton Parson, one of the best known practitioners of "vital magnetism" in the country, was born in England in 1830. He came to Canada as a boy, then went to Buffalo about 1850 or somewhat earlier, and was there educated. He practiced as a "magnetic physician" in that city until 1864, when he went to Brooklyn and there continued his practice until his death of "nervous exhaustion" after a year's lingering illness, July 22, 1895. He left a wife, four sons, and three daughters, and was buried in Greenwood cemetery, Brooklyn.
Parson's "Vital Magnetism" was first published in pamphlet form by C. P. Thorne & Co., New York, in 1875. It was reprinted in enlarged form by Adams, Victor & Co. as a special cloth-bound book in 1877.
REFERENCES: Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 24, 1895, 2. Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, U. S. Army, first series, X, 1889, 526 (lists the pamphlet noted above); Allibone, Supplement, II, 1891, 1213 (lists only the Adams, Victor & Co. item).
Special publication. Vital Magnetism.