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Kingsley, Henry.

Henry Kingsley, English writer, brother of Charles Kingsley—he of "Westward Ho!"—was born at Barnack, Northamptonshire, January 2, 1830. He was educated at King's College and Oxford. After three years at the latter, he left without a degree for Australia in 1853 and remained there until 1858, suffering considerable privation among the early gold seekers. On his return to England he became a contributor to Macmillan's Magazine, and in 1859 published his first novel, "The Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlin," which was based largely upon his own experiences in Australia. In 1864 he married his cousin, Sarah Haselwood, and they removed to Wargrave, Berkshire, and in 1869 to Edinburgh, where he became editor of the Daily Review. In 1870 he was its war correspondent and was present at Sedan when Napoleon surrendered. He left the paper in 1871 but continued writing novels until his death on May 26, 1876, from cancer of the throat.

REFERENCES: Allibone, Supplement, II; S. M. Ellis, "Henry Kingsley," Critic, XLV, 1904, 331, portrait; Edinburgh Review, CCXL, 1924, 330.

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