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We belong to a Society whitch beleeves wimin
has rites—whitch beleeves in razm her to her proper
speer—whitch beleeves she is indowed with as
much intelleck as man is—whitch beleeves she is
trampled on and aboozed—& who will resist
hens4th & forever the incroachments of proud and
domineering men.
Emily Faithfull, the youngest girl in a family of fourteen children of the Rev. Ferdinand Faithfull, was born at Headley Rectory, Surrey, England, in 1835, and was educated in a school in Kensington. She later became a lecturer and writer, and was interested in work for women—being very mannish herself. In 1860 she founded a printing establishment in London, at 9 Great Coram Street, where only women were employed. In May, 1863, she started the Victoria Magazine in London, and subsequently was given in the London Directories as "stationer, printer and publisher to Her Majesty." Still later she appeared on the lecture platform, and on September 26, 1872, shedeparted on a lecture tour to America for the first time, remaining until 1873. She made two other visits to this country, and her "Three Visits to America" was published in Edinburgh and New York in 1884. Her first novel, "Change Upon Change: A Love Story," was published in London in 1868, and was revised by Miss Faithful! and reprinted by Beadle, under the title "A Reed Shaken with the Wind," in 1873.
Miss Faithfull was given a Civil List pension of £50 in 1889 and died in London, June 3, 1895.
REFERENCES: Allibone, Supplement, I, 572; Cassell's New Biog. Dict., 293; Illustrated London News, CVI, June 15, 1895, 735, with portrait; Victoria Magazine, XX, November, 1872 (poem); Ibid., XX, March, 1873, 463; Ibid., XXXII, December, 1878, with portrait; Biographical Magazine, May, 1884, with portrait; Demorest's Monthly, New York, January, 1873, 32, with portrait; New York Daily Tribune, May 19, 1873, p. 5, col. 3 (comment on "A Reed Shaken with the Wind") and May 20, 1873 (reply from Adams, Victor & Co.); London Directories, 1861 to 1881; Fireside Companion, XI, January 27, 1873, 4, with portrait.
Special publication. "A Reed Shaken with the Wind," 1873