Beadle's One Cent Songbooks
IN 1868, Beadle put out a series of Songbooks at one cent each. Apparently only
ten numbers were issued, and while these ten were advertised by Beadle as the
"First Series," it is doubtful whether any more were published. The booklets
are 6 3/8 by 4 1/8 inches in size,
have only eight pages, and are without wrappers (Fig.
122). The title of the series was printed in black at the top of the first
page, the words "One Cent" and "Song Book" being separated by a cut of the reverse
of a one cent coin. Beneath the heading is a black line cut, and below that
the names of the five songs in that issue. At the bottom of the page is the
publisher's imprint: Beadle and Company, 98 William Street. The second page
gives a list of the contents of the whole ten numbers, as well as the copyright
imprint and the date of entry 1868. The actual day of issue of each number
is unknown. The back page is devoted to advertisements of other Beadle publications.
The songs themselves were printed from the stereotype plates of other songbooks,
even the page numbers of the originals remain, so that No. 9, for example, has
the pages numbered 12, 13, 8, 33, and 20. The One Cent Song Book was
apparently the successor to the Pocket Songster, which ended with No.
6, in December, 1867. They are very rare.
1. Battle-Cry of Freedom and four other songs.
2. The Bowld Soger Boy and four other songs.
3. Teddy O'Neal and four other songs.
4. Yohn Schmidt and four other songs.
5. Nigger, Put Down Dat Jug and four other songs.
6. When This Cruel War is Over and four other songs.
7. 'Way Down in Maine and four other songs.
8. Who'll Have Me? and four other songs.
9. Lanigan's Ball and four other songs.
10. John Bull and his Bitter Beer and four other songs.