Oxford, United Kingdom
1897-1969 [Back to Top]
1897 | B.H. Blackwell (the booksellers) publishes its first book. |
1917 | Munksgaard Publishers (Copenhagen) is founded. |
1922 | Basil Blackwell & Mott publishing house established. |
1926 | Blackwell Publishers formed. |
Early 1900s | Blackwell publishes such authors as WH Auden, Graham Green, JRR Tolkien and Enid Blyton. |
Post WWII | Blackwell becomes a schools publisher. |
1939 | Sir Basil Blackwell plans to launch Blackwell Medical Publishers. At the last minute, the name was changed to Blackwell Science Publishers. |
1950s | Per Saugman, Managing Director of Blackwell Scientific, launches Journal of Haematology. |
1953 | Blackwell agrees to publish the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein. |
1950-60 | Leadership of Blackwell passes from Sir Basil Blackwell to Henry Schollick and then to Jim Feather. |
1963 | Blackwell Scientific Publishers, B H Blackwell and Blackwell & Mott acquire Munksgaard. Blackwell Scientific later became the sole owner. |
1966 | Edinburgh office opened. |
1970-1990 [Back to Top]
1970s | The bookseller side of Munksgaard is sold to the managment. |
Late 1970s | Blackwells acquires Martin Robertson and a new managing director, David Martin. |
1984 | Basil Blackwell opens first North American office. |
1980s | Blackwell Polity, a joint venture to publish innovative work in social and political theory, is set up. Blackwell Scientific Publishers joins the Adonis Consortium. |
1998 | Financial demands of the scholarly publishing program and introduction of the National Curriculum led to the decision to sell the educational software, high school, trade, and general publishing business. |
1987 | Blackwell acquires Collins Professional and Technical. |
1987 | Bob Campbell becomes Managing Director of Blackwell Scienctific. |
1991-2000 [Back to Top]
1990s | Company renamed Blackwell Publishers. Rene Olivieri becomes Managing Director. Blackwell Publishers focuses on international textbooks and journals. |
Late 1990s | US offices move from New York to Boston. |
1993 | Blackwell Scientific Publications becomes Blackwell Science. |
1997 | Blackwell Science launches Blackwell Healthcare Communication Ltd, a pharmeceutical communication company. |
1997 | Blackwell Science acquires Bullet. |
1999 | Blackwell Sciencec merges Bullet with Blackwell Healthcare to form Avenue and moves to new offices in Chiswick. |
1999 | Blackwell Synergy, online provider of journal content, is launched. |
1999 | Blackwell and Swets Xeitlinger BV agree to combine Swets Subscription Services and Blackwell's Information Services. |
2000 | The Blackwell subscription agency is sold to Swets Zeitlinger. |
2000 | Blackwell Publishers merges with Blackwell Science. The Blackwell family owns the company. |
2001-2006 [Back to Top]
2001 | The Danish langage Munksgaard medical textbook business is sold. |
2002 | Taylor & Francis offers £300 for Blackwell Publishing. After some discussion, the Blackwell family decides to refuse the offer. |
2003 | Blackwell completes acquisition of Iowa State Press (founded in 1924 as Collegiate Press) and changes its name to Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
2004 | Blackwell purchases Food and Nutrition Press, which publishes 11 journals and 50 books. |
2004 | Blackwell acquires BMJ Books from BMJ Publishing Group. |
2006 | Blackwell acquires Brandywine Press, publisher of college textbooks in American history and American literature. |
2006 | John Wiley& Sons acquires Blackwell Publishing for ₤572 million. Blackwell brings to Wiley some 825 journals in the sciences and social sciences and humanities, many from societies, and some 600 books a year. |