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Oxford, United Kingdom

1897-1969 1970-1990 1991-2000 2001-2006


1897-1969   [Back to Top]

1897 B.H. Blackwell (the booksellers) publishes its first book.
1917 Munksgaard Publishers (Copenhagen) is founded.
1922 Basil Blackwell & Mott publishing house established.
1926 Blackwell Publishers formed.
Early 1900s Blackwell publishes such authors as WH Auden, Graham Green, JRR Tolkien and Enid Blyton.
Post WWII Blackwell becomes a schools publisher.
1939 Sir Basil Blackwell plans to launch Blackwell Medical Publishers. At the last minute, the name was changed to Blackwell Science Publishers.
1950s Per Saugman, Managing Director of Blackwell Scientific, launches Journal of Haematology.
1953 Blackwell agrees to publish the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein.
1950-60 Leadership of Blackwell passes from Sir Basil Blackwell to Henry Schollick and then to Jim Feather.
1963 Blackwell Scientific Publishers, B H Blackwell and Blackwell & Mott acquire Munksgaard. Blackwell Scientific later became the sole owner.
1966 Edinburgh office opened.

1970-1990   [Back to Top]

1970s The bookseller side of Munksgaard is sold to the managment.
Late 1970s Blackwells acquires Martin Robertson and a new managing director, David Martin.
1984 Basil Blackwell opens first North American office.
1980s Blackwell Polity, a joint venture to publish innovative work in social and political theory, is set up. Blackwell Scientific Publishers joins the Adonis Consortium.
1998 Financial demands of the scholarly publishing program and introduction of the National Curriculum led to the decision to sell the educational software, high school, trade, and general publishing business.
1987 Blackwell acquires Collins Professional and Technical.
1987 Bob Campbell becomes Managing Director of Blackwell Scienctific.

1991-2000   [Back to Top]

1990s Company renamed Blackwell Publishers. Rene Olivieri becomes Managing Director. Blackwell Publishers focuses on international textbooks and journals.
Late 1990s US offices move from New York to Boston.
1993 Blackwell Scientific Publications becomes Blackwell Science.
1997 Blackwell Science launches Blackwell Healthcare Communication Ltd, a pharmeceutical communication company.
1997 Blackwell Science acquires Bullet.
1999 Blackwell Sciencec merges Bullet with Blackwell Healthcare to form Avenue and moves to new offices in Chiswick.
1999 Blackwell Synergy, online provider of journal content, is launched.
1999 Blackwell and Swets Xeitlinger BV agree to combine Swets Subscription Services and Blackwell's Information Services.
2000 The Blackwell subscription agency is sold to Swets Zeitlinger.
2000 Blackwell Publishers merges with Blackwell Science. The Blackwell family owns the company.

2001-2006   [Back to Top]

2001 The Danish langage Munksgaard medical textbook business is sold.
2002 Taylor & Francis offers £300 for Blackwell Publishing. After some discussion, the Blackwell family decides to refuse the offer.
2003 Blackwell completes acquisition of Iowa State Press (founded in 1924 as Collegiate Press) and changes its name to Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
2004 Blackwell purchases Food and Nutrition Press, which publishes 11 journals and 50 books.
2004 Blackwell acquires BMJ Books from BMJ Publishing Group.
2006 Blackwell acquires Brandywine Press, publisher of college textbooks in American history and American literature.
2006 John Wiley& Sons acquires Blackwell Publishing for ₤572 million. Blackwell brings to Wiley some 825 journals in the sciences and social sciences and humanities, many from societies, and some 600 books a year.