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General Index

Authors mentioned in footnotes or references are, in general, not indexed here. For titles and contents of the novels, see the two preceding indexes. Page numbers followed by a lower-case n refer to footnotes.

Abarbanell, Jacob R.: II, 6, 143, 146

Abilene Daily Reflector contributor: C. M. Harger, II, 134

Abbreviated stories complicate checking: I, viii

† Account books of the Beadle firm destroyed: I, 33

† Accuracy in pistol shooting, I, 453, Beadle's Weekly/Banner Weekly (various title changes), no. 255

Adams & Co.: I, 58

Adams children, born in Ireland: I, 66

Adams, David: (all Vol. I) joins the firm, 1866, 51; portrait, facing 60; biography, 66; death, 66

Adams, Mrs. Harriet Stratemeyer: II, 265n

Adams, Harry: I, 18, 51n, 71n

Adams, James Capen: I, 5; II, 6n

Adams, James Fenimore Cooper: II, 6-7

Adams, Mrs. Martha M.: (all Vol. I) has variety store in Buffalo, 18; in Brooklyn, 1861, 38; death of, 1882, 65

Adams, Robert, Jr.: (all Vol. I) 18; portrait, facing 20; begins work for Beadle, 21; partner in firm, 22; removes to New York, 26; Irwin's partner, 29; dies, 1866, 51; biography, 51n

Adams, Robert, Sr.: I, 18

Adams, Mrs. Russell V.: acknowledgment to, I, ix

Adams, Victor & Co.: I, 57

Adams, William: I, 18; becomes superintendent of firm, 1864, I, 47; with David, takes over interest in firm, 1866, I, 51; visits Europe, 1870 et seq., I, 57; portrait, I, facing 61; death of, 1896, I, 70; biography, I, 70, II, 7

Adams, William Taylor (Oliver Optic): II, 7-8

Adimari, Ralph: acknowledgment to, I, ix; I, 33; II, 25n, 101n, 123n, 127n, 135n, 143n, 147n, 287n, 300n

Advance Ten Cent Novels: I, 61

Advertisements in Buffalo newspapers: type of, I, 17

Agile Penne: II, 8

Aiken, Albert: wrote Beadle's first detective story, I, 3; excerpt, I, 10; II, 8-15

Aiken, George: I, 7; II, 15-19

Aimard, Gustav: see Olivier Gloux

Ainsworth, Harrison: II, 19

Albany, George: II, 19-21

Albany Telegram contributor: Maro Rolfe, II, 245

Albany State Register contributor: S. H. Hammond, II, 128

Alcott, Louisa M.: wrote thrillers, I, 7; "On Picket Duty" issued, I, 48; I, 54

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey: II, 305

Alexander, Edward P.: acknowledgment to, I, x

† Alger, Horatio: II, 4

Allen, Viola: in "Talked About," II, 79

American Library: published in London, I, 38; I, 113-19

American Library Tales, London: I, 120-22

American News Company, 1864: I, 47

American Novels: issued by Irwin P. Beadle, beginning in 1865, I, 50; I, 140-50

American Novels, Frank Starr's: I, 154-65 American Rebellion: book by O. J. Victor, I, 411

"American Series" Songsters: I, 389

American Sixpenny Biographies, London: I, 371

American Tales: No. 1 issued, 1863, I, 45; enlarged, I, 53; I, 127-35

Anagrams: I, 8

Andenreich, Harry; II, 9

Andersen, Hans Christian: quoted, II, 299 Anonymous novels: I, 5

Applegate, George: II, 21

Archer, Edward W.: II, 21

Arey, Mrs. H. E. G.: editor of Youth's Casket, 1885, I, 21; issues a rival to The Home, I, 26; II, 21-22

Argosy, published by Munsey: I, 63

Arizona Cy: II, 22 Armstrong, Prank P.: II, 22

Army and Navy Journal contributor: F. Whittaker, II, 301

Army and Navy stories: II, 8

Aronstein, Charles: acknowledgment to, I, x

Arthur, T. S.: Home Magazine, I, 21n

Articles of agreement between Irwin Beadle and George Munro, 1863: I, 43

Assets of firm sold to M. J. Ivers & Co.: I, 71

Astor Place riot: II, 171

Atkeson, Mary Meek: acknowledgment to, I, x

Atlantic Monthly: acknowledgment to, I, x

Austin, Charles H.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Authors and artists: I, 7 Authors' biographies: II, 3-311

Averill, Charles E.: excerpt from "The Corsair King," II, 326

Avery, Henry M.: II, 22-24

Backwoods Series of George Munro: I, 54

Badger, Joseph E., Jr.: I, 61; excerpts, I, 226, 236, 261; II, 24-28

Baer, Mrs.: II, 28, 143

Bainbridge, Bryant: II, 28

Baker, Henry: II, 28-29

Ballads, single sheets, issued by Irwin Beadle in 1859:1, 27

Baltimore Sunday Bulletin contributor: A. P. Morris, II, 206

Baltimore Telegraph contributor: John Neal, II, 214

Baltimore Whig contributor: J. E. Hungerford, II, 148

Bancroft, H. H.: I, 7

Banner Weekly: begun 1885, I, 64; ended, 1897, I, 71 serials listed, I, 444-68

Barham, Richard H.: quoted, II, 252, 289

Barker, Colin: II, 29

Barnum, P. T.: Museum burned, 1865, II, 277

Barrett, Lawrence: II, 124

Barrington, F. Clinton: II, 29, 226

Barritt, Mrs. Frances F.: I, 7; II, 29-32; II, 278

Baseball Player: I, 406-10

Bayer, Mrs. J. W.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 140n

Bayly, Thomas Haynes: quoted, II, 24

Beadle and Adams: (all Vol. I) firm founded, 1856, 22; removal to New York, 1858, 26; removal from 333 Broadway to 137 William Street, 1859, 28; firm name changed to Beadle & Co., 1859, 29; old name resumed, 1872, 57; chapel, 64; do their own printing, 64; remove from 98 to 92 William Street, 1896, 70; firm ends, 1898, 71

Beadle & Company: (all Vol. I) new firm name, 1860, 36; not doing their own printing, 1860, 40; removal from 141 to 118 William Street, 1862, 41; an advertisement, 1863, 45; removal from 118 to 98 William Street, 1868, 55; "failure" in 1869 no failure, 56

Beadle, Erastus: (all Vol. I) not originator of the Dime Novels, 3; portrait, XVVIII early life of, 15; schooling, 16; in Michigan, 16; in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 16; skill in engraving, 16; letter to Lossing, 16; apprenticed to H. & E. Phinney, 1838, 16; married to Mary Ann Pennington, 1846, 16; leaves for Buffalo, 1847, 16; starts a stereotype foundry, 1850, 18; sells the foundry, 1855, 21; removes to 27 Main Street, Buffalo, 1856, 22; associated with Miller, Orton and Mulligan, 1856, 23; goes to Omaha as a real estate agent, 1856, 22, and 1857, 25; down and out, 1857, 26; experiments with a photographic outfit, 1857, 26; removes to New York City, 1858, 26; sole owner of The Home, 1859, 29; in Europe, 1861, 38; returns to the United States, 39; falls out with Irwin, 1862, 42; portrait in London, 1864, 49; retires, 1889, 66; dies, 1894, 68; biography, 69n; his will, 69; his estate not enormous, 69; his home in Cooperstown, 69; † diaries destroyed by his daughter, I, 26

†Beadle, Anne Pennington (Mrs. Erastus Beadle) : married, 1,16; died, I, 66

Beadle, Irwin: (all Vol. I) originator of the "yellowbacks," 3; portrait, frontispiece; born, 1826, 16; goes to Buffalo, 1849, 18; married to Elizabeth Dunbar, 18; sells his share of stereotype foundry, 1854, 21; starts a bookstore in Buffalo, 22, 26; issues single sheet ballads, 1859, 27; issues handbooks, 1859, 28; divorced, 28; removes Irwin P. Beadle & Co. from 137 to 141 William Street, 1860, 30; firm name changed to Beadle & Co., 1860, 36; married to Margaret Rich, 38; sells his share in the firm, 1862, 41; falls out with Erastus, 1862, 42; joins forces with George Munro, 1863, 42; partnership agreement between Irwin and Munro, 43; Irwin P. Beadle & Co. passes out of existence, 1864, 47; returns to publishing, 1865, 50; firm name changed to Irwin & Co., 1866, 52; ends his publishing career, 1868, 55; returns to bookbinding, 57; death, 1882, 65; biography, 65n

Beadle, James: (all Vol. I) born, 1828, 16; goes to Buffalo, 1849, 18; goes to Auburn, N. Y., 1852, 18; is murdered, 1856, 23

Beadle, Margaret E. (Mrs. Irwin Beadle): dies, 1886, I, 65

Beadle publications: All of the publications of the original firm having the name "Beadle's" in the title of the series, except Beadle's Monthly and Beadle's Weekly, are entered in this index under the name of the series; thus, Beadle's Dime Library is entered as Dime Library. To avoid confusion, however, publications issued by Irwin Beadle after he retired from the original firm in 1862, and having the name Irwin P. Beadle or Irwin in the title, are entered both under the title of the series and under the name Irwin. The Frank Starr publications are listed under the name Starr.

Beadle, Robert Cameron: acknowledgment to, I, ix

† Beadle, Sophia, daughter of Erastus: 1,69; destroys father's diaries, I, 26

† Beadle, Stanley: I, 69

Beadle, William: I, 38

Beadle's Monthly: begun 1865,1, 50; ended 1867, 1, 54; 1, 421

Beadles Weekly: begun 1882,1, 60; ended 1885,1, 64; serials listed, I, 444-68

Beall, Asa: II, 32

Beall, James G.: acknowledgment to, I, ix

Beck, George N.: II, 16n

Beecher, Henry Ward: read dime novels, I, 9; opinion of "Maum Guinea," I, 40; opinion of Victor's address to the English people, I, 40

Beeton, Samuel Orchart: II, 32-33

Belknap, Boynton K.: II, 33

Bellaw, A. W.: II, 33

Belles and Beaux: begun 1874, I, 60; I, 468

Benners, William J.: I, 185n, 241; II, 6n, 185

Bernhardt, Rachel: II, 34

Besant, Walter: II, 34

Bethune, J. G.: II, 34

Bibbs, Paul: II, 34

Billings, Josh: quoted, II, 33, 114

Binyon, Mrs. A. H.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 207n

Biographical Booklets: I, 364-72

Biographical Library: I, 364; I, 368-69

Biographies of authors: II, 3-311

Bishop, Bertha Thorne: II, 34

"Bit the dust" used in 1864: †II, 136 † (This expression also occurs in Dime Novel No. 1. See also the additional comments given in this supplement under Vol. II, page 138.)

Black Highwayman Novels: I, 62

Black, William: II, 34-35

Blaine, Eleanor: II, 35

Blake, Lillie Devereux Umsted: II, 35

Blake, Redmond: II, 35

Bliss, Leslie E.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Blount, Margaret: II, 35-36

Blue pencilling of texts of novels: I, 5

Boat Club series: II, 8

Bob Broods Library (Ostendorff): I, 69

Bonner, Robert: New York Ledger, I, 61; birth in Londonderry, Ireland, I, 66n; editor New York Ledger, II, 56;

letters to him from Leon and Harriet Lewis, II, 183ff

Book of Fun: I, 405-406

Booklet type novels: contained between thirty-five and forty thousand words, I, 5; compared with broadleaves, I, 5; ended in 1876, I, 58

"Books for the Million": advertisement, I, 31

Books other than novels published by Beadle: I, 363-64

Books stereotyped by Beadle: I, 20, 21

Boone, Daniel: character in some novels, I, 5

Booth, Joe: II, 125

Boston Courier contributor: G. C. Hill, II, 142

Boston Daily Ledger contributor: G. C. Hill, II, 142

Boston Herald contributor: G. C. Hill, II, 142

Boston Journal contributor: Albert Richardson, II, 240

Bostwick, Helen Louise: II, 36

Boucicault, Dion: II, 36

Bound to Win series: II, 264

Bowen, Alfred H., Jr.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; 37n

Bowen, James L.: I, 7; II, 36-40

Boyd, Erskine: II, 40

Boynton, Howard M.: II, 40

Boys' and Girls' Weekly (Leslie): I, 61

Boys' Books of Romance and Adventure: begun 1874, I, 58; I, 172-73

Boys' Holiday: I, 7

Boy's Library: quarto edition, begun I, 63; prices realized, I, 63; I, 319-26 Boy's Library: octavo edition, contained between thirty-five and forty thousand words, I, 5; begun 1884, I, 63; and I, 327-39

Boys of New York (Norman Munro): I, 61

Boys of New York Pocket Library (Tousey): I, 63

Boys of the World (Street & Smith): I, 61

Boy's Star Library (Tousey): I, 63

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth: II, 40

Brady, Frederick, published paper-backs: I, 36

Bragin, Charles: acknowledgment to, I, x

Brame, Charlotte M.: II, 40-41

Brayman, James O.: editor Daily Courier, Buffalo, I, 17; portrait, I, 20; quits Youth's Casket, I, 21; II, 41-42

Bremer, Fredrika: II, 42

Brentford, Burke: II, 42

Briggs, Mrs. C. Judson: 168n

Briscoe, Johnson: acknowledgment to, I, x

Brittle paper of late novels: II, 324

Broad leaves: word defined, I, 4n; first used experimentally in 1873, I, 5; used regularly after 1877, I, 5; contained from thirty-five to forty thousand words for Half-Dimes and about seventy thousand for Dimes, I, 5

Broads: word rejected for the thin pamphlets, I, 4n

Broadway Billy stories: thirty-nine numbers issued, I, 6

Bronte, Charlotte: II, 42

Brooklyn Eagle contributors: W. F. Adams, II, 7; H. Chadwick, II, 50

Brooklyn Evening Star contributor: J. A. Patten, II, 221

Broughton, Rhoda: II, 42-43

Brown, Dan: II, 43

Brown, Gordon H.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 43

Brown, Mrs. Hattie E.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 274n

Brown, John: Victor Hugo's letter on, I, 410

Brown, John O.: II, 139, 140n

Brown, William Perry: II, 43

Browne, George Waldo: II, 43-45

Browne, Mrs. George Waldo: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 44n

Browne, H. K.: II, 45

Browne, Hablot K.: not Beadle author, II, 48

Buckskin Sam: see Sam S. Hall Buffalo Bill: see William F. Cody Buffalo Republican and Times contributor: A. M. Griswold, II, 124

Bulwer-Lytton, E.: II, 45-46; quoted, II, 85

Bunce, W. J.: published paper-backs, I, 36

Buntline, Ned: see E. Z. C. Judson

† Bunyan, Paul: II, vii

Burgess, C. A. and Ed. A.: II, 59

Burke, Maj. John M.: with Cody's Wild West Show, II, 59

Burnes, Ed. Gaines: II, 46

Burr, Maj. Dangerfield: II, 46

Burt, Maj. A. S.: wrote a play for Cody, II, 59

Burton, Jennie Davis: II, 46

Bushnell, William H.: I, 7; II, 46-47

Busteed, N. William: II, 47

Busteed, William H.: of Tammany Hall, not a Beadle author, II, 47

Butler, Samuel: quoted, II, 69, 285

By-lines often incorrect: II, 4

Byron, Lord: II, 47; quoted, II, 187

Calamity Jane: character in many novels, I, 5

Caldwell, J. R.: II, 47

Caldwell, Raymond: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 241

California Joe: character in some novels, I, 5

Camp, Enoch: editor National Police Gazette, I, 61

Campbell, Bartley T.: I, 7; II, 47-49

Camp fire Library (Street & Smith): I, 63

Care killed the cat: I, 25

Carlen, Emilie Flygare: II, 49

Carleton, Latham C.: II, 49

Carleton, May: II, 49

Carleton, Will: quoted, I, vii

Carleton, William: II, 49-50

Carlton, Gerald: II, 50

Carson, Christopher (Kit): story about, I, 5

Carson, Major Lewis W.: II, 50

Carver, Dr. William F.: II, 59

Cary, Alice: I, 50

Cauldwell, Southworth & Whitney, publishers: I, 61

Cavendish, Henry: II, 50

Celebrated Actress: II, 50

Chadwick, Henry: II, 50-51

Chamberlain, Rudolph W.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Champion Novels: (DeWitt): I, 62

Chaney's American Novels: I, 50

Changed titles: I, viii

Chapin, artist: I, 8

Chapman's Sunnyside Series: I, 52

Cheap Edition of Popular Authors: begun 1875, I, 59; I, 183-85

Chicago Blade contributor: Maro Rolfe, II, 245

Chicago Daily News: one a day, I, 32n; contributors, J. F. Henderson, II, 139; Leon Lewis, II, 186

Chicago Evening Journal: II, 256

Chicago Inter Ocean: II, 173, 245

Chicago Morning Herald: II, 56

Chicago Telegraph: II, 56

Chicago Times contributors: J. F. Henderson, II, 139; Leon Lewis, II, 186; comments on the Judson-Cody play, II, 173

Chicago Tribune contributor: Edward Willett, II, 305; II, 274

Chimney Corner (Leslie): I, 61

Christian Herald: I, 9

Chromo artist to Turkey: I, 70n

Chromo covers: I, 58

Cincinnati Enquirer contributor: Maro Rolfe, II, 244

Cincinnati Times contributor: A. M. Griswold, II, 124

Civil War books: I, 410-12

Civil War effect on book sales: I, 39

Clapp, Percy E.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 177n

Clara Augusta: II, 51

Clark, Charles Dunning: I, 7, 50; II, 51-54

Classic Stories: begun 1864, I, 48; 1, 140

Claxton, Sara: II, 54

Clemens, S. L.: excerpt, †II, 174; quoted, II, 51, † see also Mark Twain

Cleveland Plain Dealer contributor: A. M. Griswold, II, 124

Clipper corners of novels: II, 324

Cloth-bound books: I, 61; I, 361-63

Clyde, Bernard: II, 54

Cobb, Sylvanus: II, 54-56

Cobb, Weldon J.: II, 56

Coburn, R., a New Orleans bookseller: I, 110

Cody, William Frederick (Buffalo Bill): character in many novels, I, 5; stories about numbered over 100, I, 6; II, 56-62

Collins, Wilkie: II, 62; quoted, II, 78

Colored-cover novels: types of stories, I, 4

Colored-cover quartos: begun 1896, I, 70

Color stencils: I, 58

Columella: quoted, II, 3

Columnist, early: John Neal, II, 214; Mrs. Trask, II, 274

Comic Library (Tousey): I, 69

Commercial Advertiser, Buffalo: I, 16

"Companion" stories: I, 5

Compensation paid Beadle writers: I, 8

Comstock, Augustus: I, 7; II, 62-64

Comstock, Captain: II, 64

Comstock, James L. (brother of Augustus): I, 57n

Condition and values of novels: II, 323-26

Conroy, J. D.: II, 65

Constellano, Illion: II, 65, 184

Constellano, Juan: II, 183 Converse: Frank: I, 60

Coomes, Arthur K.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 66n, 81n

Coomes, Oil: quoted, II, 7n; II, 65-68

Coomes, R. G.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 66n

Cooper, James Penimore:

"O-I-Chee," I, 50; II, 68

Corey, Frank: II, 68-69

Corinth, investment of: I, 411

Coryell, John R.: II. 82

Cowdrick, Jesse C.: I, 6; II, 69-71

Crabbe, George: quoted, II, 278

Craig, Isa: II, 71

Craik, Dinah Mulock: II, 72

Crawford, Capt. Jack: character in some novels, I, 5; with Cody, II, 59

Cricket Library (Sibley): I, 63

Critic does not believe in sacrificing art to accuracy: I, 35

Crockett, David (Davy): Character in some novels, I, 5

Crow, Louisa A.: II, 72 Crowell, AL: quoted, II, 301

Crowell, Mary Reed: II, 72-74

Cudlip, Annie Hall Thomas: II, 74

Cummings, Ralph F.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Curtis, Newton M.: II, 75-77

Cushman, Corinne: II, 77

Cuthbert, John: II, 77

Daily Courier, Buffalo: I, 17

Dale, Alice: II, 77-78 Daly, Augustin: II, 78

Dan DeQuille: II, 225

Dandy Rock stories: I, 6

Dates of issue of novels: I, viii, 75

Davenport, Adelaide: II, 78

Davenport, Frances Helen: II, 78

Dawley's Camp and Fireside Library: I, 48

Dawley's Ten Penny Novels: I, 48

Dawley's War Novels: I, 51

Deadwood Dick: thirty-three numbers, I, 5; as a play, II, 294

Deadwood Dick, Jr.: ninety-seven numbers, I, 6; not written by Wheeler, II, 295

Dearborn, Andrew: II, 78

DeConde, Henrietta E.: II, 78

DeFoe, Daniel: II, 78-79

DeForest, Barry: II, 79

Denison, Mrs. Mary A.: I, 7; II, 79-81

d'Ennery, Adolphe Philippe: II, 81

DeQuille, Dan (William Wright): II, 225

† Destruction of Erastus F. Beadle's diaries: I, 26; of his account books, I, 33

Detective stories overshadowed other stories after 1882:1, 3

Deterioration of illustrations: I, 70n

Deterioration of dime novels begun in early 1880's: I, 3

Detroit Advertiser contributor: A. M. Griswold, II, 124

Detroit Free Press contributor: C. B. Lewis, II, 180

Devereux, Lillie: II, 81

Dewey, Frederick H.: II, 81

DeWitt's Ten Cent Romances: I, 54

DeWitt, Robert: published paper-backs, I, 36

Dexter, Will: II, 81

Dey, Frederick Van R.: II, 81-85

Dey, Marmaduke: II, 85

Dialogues: I, 395-401

Diamond Dick Library (Street & Smith): I, 70

Dick Doom stories: I, 6

Dick Talbot stories: I, 6

Dickens, Charles: II, 85; quoted, II, 116, 254

Dickens, Georgiana: II, 85

Dime Baseball Players: I, 406-10

Dime Biographical Library: I, 364-70

Dime Book of Fun: I, 405-406

Dime Books of the Civil War: I, 410-12

Dime Classic Stories: begun 1864, I, 48; I, 140

Dime Dialogues: I, 395-401

Dime Fiction: begun 1864, I, 48; I, 138

Dime Handbooks: I, 372-80

Dime Joke Booths: I, 406

Dime Library: contain between seventy and eighty thousand words, I, 5; begun 1878, I, 59; ended 1898, I, 71; continued by M. J. Ivers, I, 71; 200-50

Dime Library of Choice Fiction: begun I, 48; I, 135-38

Dime Monthly, a proposed magazine: I, 48

Dime Novels (yellow-backs): I, 3, 77; intensely nationalistic, I, 4; gave accurate pictures of struggles of pioneers, I, 4; begun 1860, I, 31; ended 1874, I, 99; first numbers had no illustrations on front wrapper, I, 77; I, 81-99

Dime Novels. New: I, 99-110

Dime novelists pretty good morally: II, 4

Dime Pocket Songster: I, 391

Dime Songbook: first issued by Irwin Beadle in 1859, 1, 27; I, 384-88

Dime Speakers: I, 401-405

Dime Tales, Traditions and. Romance: I, 122-23

Donaldson's rangers: II, 125

Dorsey, Mrs. Lloyd: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 73n

Doubleday and Company: acknowledgment to, I, x

Douglass, Detective: II, 85

Downing, Maj. Jack: II, 259

Doyle, Conan: I, vii; first Sherlock Holmes story, II, 33n

Drill Book: I, 410

Dryden: quoted, II, 56

Druid, David: II, 85

Duganne, A. J. H.: I, 7, 50; II, 85-88

Duke of Wellington story: II, 173n

Dumas, Alexandre: II, 88-89

Dumas, Alexandre, fils: II, 89

Dumont, Daniel Boone: II, 89

Dumont, Frank: I, 7; II, 89-90

Dunbar, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Irwin P. Beadle): I, 18; died, 1886, I, 65

Dunbar, Noel: II, 90

Dunlap, Walter B.: II, 90

Dunning, Dan: II, 90

Duplication of titles and illustrations: I, viii

Durkee, Cornelius: II, 75n

Dutcher, George H.: friend of S. S. Hall, II, 125

Earlie, May Agnes: II, 91

Earner, John P.: acknowledgment to, I, ix

Edwards, Amelia Blandford: II, 91

Edwards, C. L.: II, 91

Edwards, Eleanor Lee: II, 91

Egan, Pierce, the Younger: II, 91-92; incorrectly suggested as real name of "Fritz," II, 113

Eliot, George: II, 92

Ellet, Elizabeth F.: II, 92-93

Elliott, Thomes and Talbot issues Ten Cent Novelettes: I, 8; I, 45, 48

Ellis, Edward Sylvester: I, 7; author of "Seth Jones," I, 34; his recollection of early publishing, campaign incorrect, I, 34; engaged by Beadle, I, 37; disliked George Munro's type of stories, II, 49n; biography, II, 93-100

Elverson's Saturday Night, I, 61; Golden Days, I, 63

Emerald, John: II, 100

Emerson, Edwin: II, 100

Engle, Harry: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 150n

Ennery, Adolphe Philippe d': II, 100

Enton, Dr. Harry: II, 100-101

E. P. H. [Hollister]: II, 101

Errym, Malcolm J.: II, 101

Everett, William, praises Ellis' novels: I, 35

Everet D. Long & Co.: published ten cent novels in 1860-61: I, 36

Ewing, Edwin Evans: biography, II, 101-102

Ewing, Evans E.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 102n

Eyster, Charles Victor: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 103n

Eyster, William R.: II, 102-106

Faithfull, Emily: II, 106

Family Handbooks: I, 373

Family Story Paper (Norman Munro): I, 61

Farjeon, Benjamin Leopold: II, 106-107

Farragut, Jack: II, 107

Farrar, C. W.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 69n

Fat Contributor: II, 124

Faulkner, Frank: II, 107

Fazakas, Chester A. S.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Feeger, L. M.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 140n, 150n

Fenn, George Manville: II, 107

Fenn, H.: artist, I, 8

Feuillet, Octave: II, 107

Feuilletonistes: I, 40

Field, Kate: I, 50

Fielding, Henry: quoted, II, 268

Fifteen Cent Illustrated Novels: I, 168-69

Fifteen Cent Novels: I, 110-12

Fifty Cent Books. 150-54

Finn, Frank S.: I, 7; II, 107-10; see also under Eve Lawless, II, 178

Fireside Companion (George Munro): I, 61

Fireside Library: begun 1877, I, 59; I, 187-95

First detective story among Beadle's publications in 1871: 1, 3

First editions: characteristics of, I, 75; I, 324

Fitch's Popular Library: I, 62 Fitts, James Franklin: I, 50

Five Cent Novelettes (Okie, Dayton & Jones): I, 36

Five Cent Weekly Library (Tousey): I, 63

Flanagan, T. J.: II, 110-12

Flats rejected for broadleaves: I, 4n

Fleming, Alice May: II, 112

Fleming, May Agnes: II, 112

Foote, Thomas M.: I, 16 Ford, Joe: II, 125

Fordham, Mrs. M. L.: II, 113

Forest, Frederick: II, 113

Forester, Frank: II, 113

Forrest, Edwin, American actor: II, 171

Forrest, Edwin Brooke: II, 113 Fort, Frank: II, 113 41 Platt Street, side entrance to 98 William: I, 5

Fouque, F. H. K. de la: II, 113

Fox, Richard, took over the Police Gazette in 1876: I, 61

Frank Leslie's Boy's and Girl's Weekly: I, 61

Frank Leslie's Chimney Corner: I, 61

Franklin Square Library (Harper Bros.): I, 62

Frank Reade Library (Tousey): I, 69; II, 100

Frank Star, see Starr Frank Starr & Co., another name for the Beadle firm: I, 5

Frank Starr's American Novels: I, 154-65

Frank Starr's Fifteen Cent Illustrated Novels: I, 168-69

Frank Starr's New York Library: I, 195-200

Frank Starr's Songbooks: I, 391

Frank Starr's Ten Cent Pocket Library: I, 195

Fredrich, F. A.: acknowledgment to, I, x Free, Mickey: II, 113

Freedley, George: acknowledgment to, I, x

French, George: acknowledgment to, I, xi; II, 231n

Fresh of Frisco stories: I, 6

Fritter, R. D.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 167

Fritz: II, 113 Fuller, Frances: II, 113

Fuller, Metta Victoria: II, 113

Fuller, M., Chief Justice U. S.: read dime novels, I, 9

Gaboriau, Emile: II, 114; his "L'affaire Larouge" wrongly

assigned to Erskine Boyd, II, 4, 40

Gaines, Albert Cecil: II, 114

Gaines, Garry: II, 114

Games and Pastimes series: I, 377-80

Gardner, Lewis J.: II, 114-16

Gaskell, Elizabeth C.: II, 116

Gavit, Joseph: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 75n

Gaynor, William J., mayor of New York: II, 82

Gem Library (Sibley): I, 69

Gerstacker, Friedrich: I, viii; incorrectly given as by Francis Johnson, 11,4; II, 116-20; II, 165

Ghost writers: I, 8

Gilbert, George Darcy: II, 120

Gildersleeve, Mrs. C. H.: I, 26; II, 120

Gildersleeve, Stewart: II, 120

Gill, John M.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 51n

Girls and Boys of America (George Munro): I, 61

Girls of To-day: begun 1875, I, 60; I, 470-73

Girty, Simon and James, characters in some novels: I, 5

Gleason, publisher Pictorial: II, 55

Gleason, George: II, 120-21

Gloux, Olivier: I, 132; II, 121-22

Goater, J. H., artist: I, 8

Godey's Lady's Book: I, 7; engravings were hand colored, I, 58

Goethe, J. W.: quoted, II, 40, 93, 112, 124

Golden Argosy (Rideout): I, 63

Golden Days (Elverson): I, 7, 63

Golden Library (Sibley): I, 63

Golden Weekly (Tousey): I, 63

Goldsmith, Oliver: quoted, II, 15; II, 122

Gore, Catharine: I, 122

Gossett, E. T.: acknowledgment to, I, xi

Graham, Preston: II, 122-23

Graham's Magazine: I, 7

Grainger, Arthur M.: II, 123

Grand Rapids (Midi.) Herald contributor: J. M. Merrill, II, 197

Grant's Report: I, 411

Great Western series (Oliver Optic): II, 8

Greenwood, Guy: II, 123

Greenwood, Samuel: temporary partner of Irwin Beadle and George Munro in 1863, I, 43; their articles of agreement, I, 43

Grenville, Major H.: II, 123

Griffin, Gerald: II, 123

Grissom, Arthur: I, 7; II, 123-24; II, 305

Griswold, A. Miner: II, 124

Hahn, Emily, quoted, I, 13

Hahn, Mannel: acknowledgment to, I, x

Half-Dime Library: contain between thirty-five and forty thousand words, I, 5; begun 1877, I, 60; ended 1898, I, 71; I, 253-303

Half-Dime Novelettes: I, 36, 113

Half-Dime Singer's Library: issued 1878-79, I, 58; I, 391-95

Hall, Maj. Sam S.: II, 45; II, 124-27

Hall, William Jared: II, 127

Halleck, Fitz-Greene: quoted, II, 100

Halliday, Ben D.: II, 127

Halpine, Mary Grace: II, 127

Hamilton, William J.: II, 128

Hammond, John: II, 128

Hammond, Samuel H.: II, 128 Handbooks: I, 373; classified, I, 375-80

Handbooks issued before Dime Novel No. 1: I, 37

Hand-colored wrappers: I, 58

Harbaugh, Thomas C.: II, 128-34; remarks about A. P. Morris, II, 206; contributed to Drake's Magazine, II, 305

Harger, C. M.: acknowledgment to, I, x; I, 60, †II, 103n, 124n, 134

Harpe, Micajah and Wiley, characters in some novels: I, 5

Harper and Brothers: acknowledgment to, I, x

Harrigan and Hart stories: II, 6n

Harriott, Robert, the pedestrian: II, 113

Hart, Mrs. Edith: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 69n

Hartford Courant contributor: Maro Rolfe, II, 245

Hartman, J. J.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Harvey, Charles M.: comments on Seth Jones, I, 33; on "Maum Guinea," I, 40

Hawkes, Isaac: II, 134

Hawthorne, Capt. R. M.: II, 134

Hazard, Harry: II, 134

Hazeltine, Lieut.-Col.: II, 134

Hazeltine, Miron J.: II, 134-35

Hazelton, Harry: II, 135-38

Heart and Hand (Chicago): A. P. Morris, II, 206

Hellman, Florence S.: acknowledgment to, I, 34n, 94n, 134n

Hemyng, Bracebridge: I, 61; II, 138-39

Henderson, Joseph F.: II, 139-40

Henderson, J. L. [sic]: II, 140

Henderson, J. Stanley: II, 140 Herbert, Henry William: II, 140-42

Hess, George H., Jr.: acknowledgment to, I, xi

Hickok, James (Wild Bill): character in some novels, I, 5; actor with Cody, II, 57

Highway Novels: I, 62

Hill, George Canning: II, 142-43

Hill, Kate F.: II, 143

Hillside Library: I, 62

Hilton, Maud: II, 143

Hilton's Dime Books'. I, 52

Hine, E. Curtiss: excerpt, II, 326

Hoffman, E. H.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 229

Hoffman, Mrs. Elmer: acknowledgment to, I, ix; I, 144n

Hoffman, J. Milton: II, 144

Hollister, Edward Payson: II, 144

Holmes, Hamilton: II, 144-46

Holmes, Howard: II, 146

Holmes, Oliver Wendell: quoted, I, 3

Holmes, Stephen, Jr.: II, 146

Holt, Arthur F.: II, 146

Home: monthly magazine, first issued 1885, I, 21; discontinued 1860, I, 21; I, 418-19

Home, Daniel D.: I, vii

Homer: quoted, I, 7

Hook, Theodore: II, 304n

Hooley, H. H.: produced Bartley Campbell's "Virginian," 11, 48

Hopewell, Menra: II, 146

Horace: quoted, I, 63, 88, 165, 167

Howard, Adah M.: II, 146-47

Howard, Charles: II, 147

Houlding, Mrs. Vernon: acknowledgment to, I, ix; I, 197n

House That Jack Built: I, 411

Howitt, Mary: II, 147

Howland, William H.: II, 147-48

Huckleberry Finn: I, 10; II, 174

Hugo, Victor: II, 148

Huish, Robert: II, 148

Humorous books: I, 404-405

Hungerford, Arthur E.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 149n

Hungerford, James Edward: II, 148-49

Hunter, Ned: II, 149

Huntington, Henry: II, 325

Hurd, Willis E.: acknowledgment to, I, xi; II, 44n, 96n, 325

Hyde, Edward: quoted, II, 8

Hynes, Capt. A. D.: II, 149

Iliff, J. Edgar: II, 149-50

Iliff, Walter: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 150n

Illuminated covers: I, 58, 99

Illuminated Western World: Victor editor, I, 61; II, 286

Illustrations: I, 8; required to show action, I, 8; repeated for different stories, I, 8

Ilsley, Charles P.: II, 150-51

Incorrect by-lines: II, 4

Independence (Mo.) Daily Sentinel contributor: A. Grissom, II, 123

Index: of first lines, I, vii; of titles, I, viii, II, 341-414; of localities, II, 415-30

Indianapolis Sun contributor: J. E. Iliff, II, 160

Ingoldsby, Thomas: quoted, II, 252, 289

Ingraham, Joseph Holt: I, 59; II, 151-55; incorrectly given as author of "Ada, the Betrayed," II, 250n

Ingraham, Mrs. Langley: acknowledgment to, I, x

Ingraham, Prentiss: I, 6, 61; II, 155-60

Injunction by Beadle & Co. against Irwin Beadle and George Munro in 1863: I, 43

Inman, Robert Randolph: II, 160

Instructions to prospective authors: I, 4

Iron, Nathaniel Colchester: II, 160-62

Irons, Archie C.: II, 162

Irons, Lettie Artley: II, 162

Irving, Harriet: II, 162

Irving, Washington: quoted, II, 75

Irwin. Under this name are entered here the Irwin P. Beadle, I. P. Beadle, and Irwin novels without attempting to break up the series with changes in the titles.
American Novels; begun 1865, I, 50; described and listed, I, 140-50
Ten Cent Novels; begun 1863, I, 44; I, 123-26
Ten Cent Stories: I, 126
Six Penny Tales; I, 150
Song Books, 1, 380-91

Irwin P. Beadle: firm name changed to Irwin P. Beadle & Co., 1859,1,29

Isley, Charles P.: II, 162

Ivers, M. J. & Co.: continued the Dime and Half-Dime Libraries, I, 71; reprinted some novels in their "Deadwood Dick Library" and "Frontier Library," II, 320

Jack Lightfoot series: II, 300

Jackson, Helen Hunt: II, 305

James Boys Weekly (Tousey): I, 70

James, G. P. R.: "The Commissioner" illustrated by H. K. Browne, I, 8; II, 162-63

James, Mrs. Orrin: II, 163-64

Jenkins, Old: I, 5

Jenks, George C.: II, 164-65

Jerrold, Douglas: quoted, I, 53

Jewett, Elam R.: I, 16

Jewett, Thomas & Co., Buffalo publishers: I, 16

Jim Smiley's Frog: first book form in 1866, I, 52

Joe Dodger stories: II, 6n

Joe Jot, Jr.: II, 167

Joe Phenix stories: I, 6

Johnson, Francis: II, 117, 165

Johnson, Samuel: quoted, II, 178

Johnstone, Herrick: II, 165-66

Joke Books: I, 406

Jo King: II, 177

Jolly, Emily: II, 166

Jonas, Charles: acknowledgment to, I, ix; his classification of dime novels, II, 325

Jones, Clara Augusta: II, 167

Jones, Emma Garrison: II, 167

Jones, Vincent S. L.: acknowledgment to, I, x Jot, Joe, Jr.: II, 167

Joy, Mrs. Jane: acknowledgment to, I, x

Judson, E. Z. C.: I, 9; II, 167-76; wrote about Cody, II, 172; first Cody story, II, 172; sixth marriage, II, 172n, 173; wrote play for Cody, II, 173

Judson, Lovanche L.: 172n

Jumping Frog: first book appearance, 1866, I, 62

Kaime, George S.: II, 176

Kansas City Daily News contributor: A. Grissom, II, 123

Kansas City Evening World contributor: A. Grissom, II, 123

Kansas City Star contributor: Tom P. Morgan, II, 205

Karst, Esther: acknowledgment to, I, ix

Karst, John: Beadle's engraver, I, 9, 9n

Keene, King: II, 176

Keller, Horace Seymour: on Noah Nuff, II, 33; on Warne, II, 289

Kelly, George C.: II, 176 Kennedy, Rose: II, 177

Kenton, Simon: character in some novels, I, 5

Kimball, Gladys A.: acknowledgment to, I, x

King Bango of Sangatanga: II, 4

King, Jo: II, 177

King, Katharine: II, 177

King, Tom W.: II, 177

Kingsley, Henry: II, 177

Klapp, H. Milnor: II, 177

Kleinknecht, Mrs. C. A.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; 140n

Know Nothing Party: II, 86, 170n Knox, Isa: II, 177

Knox, Jackson: II, 177-78; II, 222

Knox, J. Armoy: editor Texas Siftings, II, 124

Kopisch, August: quoted, I, 1

"Krag, Jurgen Peter": quoted, II, 313, 320

Ladies' Companion: I, 7

Ladies' World: I, 7

Laforest, Lafayette: II, 178

Lake Shore series: II, 8

Lakeside Library: I, 62

Lansing (Midi.) Journal contributor: C. B. Lewis, II, 179

Lansing, S. G.: II, 178

Lasalle, Charles E.: II, 178

LaSalle, George [w] E.: II, 178

Latimer, Mrs. W. R.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 149n

Lawless, Eve: II, 108, 178

Lawrence, George Alfred: II, 178

Lee & Shepard: I, 61

LeFanu, Joseph Sheridan: II, 178-79

Legrand, Louis: II, 179

Leicester, Margaret: II, 179

Lemuel, George: II, 179

Lerouge Case: II, 40

Leslie: see Frank Leslie

Lever, Charles: II, 179

Lewis, Charles Bertrand: impersonated, II, 4; II, 179-81

Lewis, Harriet (Mrs. "Leon" Lewis): II, 181; wrote some of Leon's stories, II, 183ff

Lewis, John: II, 181-82

Lewis, John Woodruff: II, 182

Lewis, "Juan": II, 182-83

Lewis, Julius Warren: II, 183

Lewis, "Leon": II, 183-86

Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Leon, Jr.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; I, 186n

Lexington S.S. fire: II, 107

Library of Choice Fiction: begun 1864, I, 48; I, 135-38

Lillie, Major Gordon: character in some novels, I, 5; on a pseudonym of Ingraham, II, 264n

Lincoln, Abraham: read dime novels, I, 9

Lincoln, Howard: II, 186

Linton, E. Lynn: II, 186

Lisenbee, Will: I, 60; quoted, I, 73; II, 114n; II, 186-87

List of abbreviations: I, xviii

Lists of Beadle publications: I, 75-476

Little Chief Library (Nickel Library Publishing Co.): I, 63

Lives of Great Americans: I, 371-72

Locke, R. D.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 294

Lodge, Sir Oliver: I, vii

Logan, Olive: II, 187-88

Log Cabin Library (Street & Smith): I, 63

Londonderry, Ireland: I, 51n

London branch of Beadle: started 1861, I, 38; ended 1866, 1, 52

London editions of dime books: I, 119-22

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: quoted, I, 25; II, 62, 192

Long Island Star contributor: Henry Chadwick, II, 50

Loring's Tales of the Day: I, 8, 54

Los Angeles Times contributor: Maro Rolfe, II, 245

Lossing, Benson J.: letter to Erastus Beadle, I, 16

Lovejoy, Lillian: II, 188

Lover, Samuel: II, 188

Lucanus: quoted, I, 38

Lumley, Beadle artist: I, 8

Lummis, Elizabeth Fries: II, 188

Luqueer, Helen (Mrs. W. H. Bushnell): II, 47

Lytton, Edward: II, 188-89 Lytton, Edward Bulwer: II, 189

McAneny, Mrs. H.: acknowledgment to, I, x

McCullough, Ben: ranger, II, 125

McGuffey readers: illustrated by John Karst, I, 9

McIntyre, John T.: acknowledgment to, I, x; foreword, xxiii-xxv

Macnamara, Dennis: quoted, II, 273

McNeil, Walter Norris: II, 189

MacQuoid, Katharine S.: II, 189

Macready, William C.: cause of Astor Place riot, II, 171

Madison, James: acknowledgment to, I, x

Magoon, James: II, 189

Mahony, Francis: quoted, II, 151

Malady (care) that killed the cat: I, 25

Malaeska: issued 1860, I, 31

Malen, M. E. O.: II, 189

Manning, William H.: II, 189-91; II, 223

Manning, Mrs. William H.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 190n, 310n

Manuscripts: last ones bought by Beadle, I, 71

Maquet, Auguste: Dumas' collaborator, II, 88

Mark Twain: vs A. Aiken, I, 10; quoted, I, 11; Jim Smiley's Frog, I, 52; quoted, II, 51; source of Huck's and Tom's pirate names, II, 174

† Marksmanship with revolvers: I, 453 (Beadle's Weekly/Banner Weekly (various title changes), no. 255.)

Marryat, Florence: II, 191-92

Marryat, Capt. Frederick: II, 191; excerpt, II, 110

Marsh, Mrs. Anne: II, 192

Marshall, John J.: II, 192-96

Martialis: quoted, II, 209 Martine, Maj. Max: II, 196

Masculine disguises of female writers' names: I, 64

Matsys, Quentin, Flemish painter: I, 135; II, 91

Maum Guinea: published 1861, I, 40; praised by Beecher, I, 40

Maxwell, Mary E. Braddon: II, 196

May, George Thomas: II, 196

May, William Henry: II, 196 Me: see Mac Meine, Franklin J.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 180n

Melcher, Frederick G.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Mellon, Ralph: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 197n

Menander: quoted, I, 47

Men of the Time: I, 371 Meredith, Owen: II, 196

Merriam, John M.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 274n

Merrill, James Milford: II, 196-97

Merrill, Karl G.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 197n

Merrill, Mrs. W. S.: acknowledgment to, II, 197n

Merry, Malcolm J.: II, 197

Meserve, Arthur Livermore: II, 197-200

Metseys: see Matsys

Metsys: see Matsys

Military Handbook: I, 411

Millbank, H. R.: II, 200

Miller, E. C.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 23n

Miller, Mrs. Fanny: II, 200

Miller, Joaquin: II, 305

Miller, Orton & Mulligan, publishers in Auburn, N. Y.: 1, 18

Miller, W. C.: acknowledgment to, I, xi; pseudonyms, II, 89, 129, 146n, 162n, 190, 209, 264n

Milman, Edward Augustus: II, 200

Milner, California Joe: character in some novels, I, 5

Milton, John: II, 200

Miscellaneous publications: cloth-bound books, I, 361-63

Missouri Republican contributor: M. Hopewell, II, 146

Molly Maguires: a play, II, 9

Money panic of 1857: I, 22

Monfort, Harry: II, 200

Monstery, Thomas Hoyer: II, 200-204

Monthly (magazine): I, 420-21

Montrose, Marie: II, 204

Moore, Thomas: II, 204

Morality of dime novels: I, 31

Morgan, Tom P.: II, 205, 305

Morning Express, Buffalo: I, 17

Morrill, Edward: ackn´owledgment to, I, x

Morris, Anthony P.: wrote Beadle's third detective story, I, 3; II, 205-208

Morris, Charles: wrote detective stories, I, 3; II, 209-12

Morse, George Henry: II, 212

Mortimer, Grace: II, 212-13

Mott, Ed: I, 60

Moughton, Charlotte: acknowledgment to, I, x

Movies put an end to "libraries": I, 70

Mrs. Stephens' Illustrated Monthly: I, 7

Muller, Billex: II, 213

Mulock, Dinah: II, 213

Munro, George: (all Vol. I) 5; with Irwin P. Beadle, starts a new firm but with the old name, Irwin P. Beadle & Co., at 137 William street, 1863, 42; partnership agreement, 43; Ten Cent Novels supercede Irwin's Ten Cent Novels in 1864, 47; removes to 118 William street in 1868, 55; removes to 84 Beekman street in 1870, 57, † enters suit to prevent Beadle from using the word 'sleuth' for a detective, I, 66

Munro, Norman: publishing plant destroyed by fire in 1876, I, 61; his Riverside Library. I, 304

Murietta, Joaquin: character in some novels, I, 5

Murray, Captain: II, 213

Myers, P. Hamilton: II, 213-14

Myself: II, 214

My Young Wife's Husband: II, 214

National Police Gazette: I, 61

Native American Party: II, 86, 171

Neal, John: I, 7; wrote for Beadle in 1864, I, 48; poems in Beadle's Monthly, I, 50; II, 214-15

Ned Buntline's Own: I, 61; II, 169, 170, 170n, 172

New and Old Friends: begun 1873, I, 59; I, 169-72

New Dime Novels: begun 1874, I, 58; I, 99-110

New Nick Carter Library (Street & Smith) : I, 70

New Orleans Picayune contributor: Wm. Perry Brown, II, 43

New Sensation Ten Cent Novels: I, 62

New Twenty-five Cent Novels: I, 165-66

New York Boy's Library (Norman Munro): I, 62

New York Boys' Weekly (Tousey): I, 61

New York Detective Library (Tousey): I, 63

New York Dime Library: begun 1878, I, 59; I, 200-50

New York Dispatch contributors: A. J. H. Duganne, II, 86; J. A. Patten, II, 221; J. D. Vose, II, 287; Edward Willett, II, 305

New York Evening Post contributor: Lillie D. U. Blake, II, 35

New York Evening World contributor: J. A. Patten, II, 221

New York Family Story Paper: begun 1873, I, 61

New York Herald contributors: William Perry Brown, II, 43; J. A. Patten, II, 221; Mayne Reid, II, 234; J. D. Vose, II, 287

New York Ledger (Bonner): begun 1884, I, 61; contributors, J. E. Badger, II, 25; Sylvanus Cobb, II, 55, 90; Mary G. Halpine, II, 127; Emma Garrison Jones, II, 167; Leon and Harriet Lewis, II, 184; Will Lisenbee, II, 187; Capt. Wheeler, II, 293; J. H. Whitson, II, 299

New York Library: I, 200-50

New York Library (Starr's): begun 1877,1, 59; I, 195-200

New York Mercury: begun 1838, I, 61; contributors, George Albany, II, 19; Lillie D. U. Blake, II, 35; May Agnes Fleming, II, 112; Dr. John Hovey Robinson, II, 242

New York Mirror: new title in 1876, I, 60; I, 470-73

New York Picayune contributor: J. D. Vose, II, 284

New York Sentry contributor: W. R. Eyster, II, 103

New York Star contributor: Mary Reed Crowell, II, 73

New York Sun: acknowledgment to, I, x; contributor, Wirt Sikes, II, 256

New York Times contributors: H. Chadwick, II, 50; G. C. Jenks, II, 165; J. A. Patten, II, 221

New York Tribune: I, 7; contributors, H. Chadwick, II, 51; A. J. H. Duganne, II, 86; Albert Richardson, II, 240; N. D. Urner, II, 277

New York Tribune Novels: I, 62

New York Weekly (Street and Smith): I, 61; contributors (all Vol. II), J. E. Badger, 25; Charlotte Brame, 41; Augustus Comstock, 63; Oil Coomes, 65; Frank Corey, 69; A. J. H. Duganne, 86; E. S. Ellis, 94, 244; May Agnes Fleming, 112; "Harry Hazelton," 135; Mrs. Baer, 143; J. E. Iliff, 150; E. Z. C. Judson, 172ff; Leon Lewis, 65, 184, 185; Will Lisenbee, 187; A. L. Meserve, 198; J. A. Patten, 221; St. George Rathborne, 231; Eben Rexford, 238; Dr. J. H. Robinson, 240; Maro Rolfe, 244; Clara Augusta Trask, 274; Dr. W. M. Turner, 275; Mrs. Victor, 279

New York World contributors: Mary Reed Crowell, II. 73; C. B. Lewis, II, 180

Nichols, I.M.: II, 216

Nick Carter Library (Street & Smith): I, 69

Nick Carter's authors: II, 82

Nickel Library: I, 62

Nickel novels called "dime novels": I, 3, 4

"Noname": II, 100

Norris, William Edward: II, 216

North, Frank: starts ranch with Cody, I, 59

North, Ingoldsby: II, 216

Nuff, Noah: II, 216

Nugget Library (Street & Smith): I, 63

Number of different Beadle novels: II, 319

Number of novels in each series: II, 319

Numerical lists of Beadle novels: I, 75-476

Nunes, Joseph A.: II, 216-17

Nye, Bill: II, 305

Oakes-Smith, Mrs.: I, 50; II, 217; II, 259-61

O'Brien, Dr. Frank P.: II, 7n, 33, 83n, 114n, 126n, 129n, 187n, 206, 207n

O'Brien, Dr. and Mrs. Frank P.: acknowledgment to, I, x

O'Brien sale: I, xxiii; II, 325, 326

Odell, G. C. D.: acknowledgment to, I, x

O'Francis, Mary: II, 217 O'Keeffe, John: II, 113

Okie, Dayton & Jones issue a five cent novel: I, 36

Old Cap Collier Library (Norman Munro): I, 63

Old Homstead: written in 1855, I, 22; dramatized by A. Aiken, I, 7; II, 263

Old Honest, a play: II, 15 Old Jenkins: I, 5 Old Parr: I, 5

Old Sleuth Library (George Munro): I, 63

Oliphant, Margaret: II, 217

Oliver Optic: see Optic, and William T. Adams

Oliver Optic's Magazine (Lee & Shepard): I, 61

Omissions from list of novels: I, viii

Omohundro, John B. (Texas Jack): appears as a character in some novels, I, 5; acted with Cody, II, 57; II, 217-18

One Cent Songbooks: I, 389-91

O'Neill, James, in Monte Cristo: II, 188

Onward and Upward series: II, 8

Onward, Mayne Reid's magazine: I, 7; II, 235

Ornum's Ten Cent Indian Novels (Norman Munro): I, 61

Ornum's Ten Cent Popular Novels (Norman Munro): I, 61

Orr, Nathaniel, engraver: I, 9

Orred, Meta: II, 218

Osbon, John W.: II, 218

Osgood & Co., James R.: I, 61

Osmund, William J.: II, 218

O'Sullivan, Dennis: I, 7; II, 218-19

Oswego (N. Y.) Daily Times contributor: C. Dunning

Clark, II, 51 Ouida: II, 219

Our Boys and Girls (Lee & Shepard): I, 61

Our Young Folks (Ticknor & Fields): I, 9, 61

Over the Ocean Terry. I, 70

Ovidius Nasso: quoted, I, 28; II, 205

Pacific S.S. wrecked: II, 30

Palmer, C. R.: II, 219

Pannell, Carey H. H.: II, 219

Parlor Library: I, 62

Parma, V. Valta: acknowledgment to, I, ix

Parmelee, Thomas N.: I, 17

Parr, Old: I, 5

Parson, Frederick T.: II, 219-20

Parson's Daughter: II, 220-21

Paterson Morning Call contributor: Mary Reed Crowell, 11,73

Patrick, Mary: II, 221

Patriotic songbooks: I, 389

Patriotic Order, Sons of America: II, 170n

Patten, James Alexander: II, 221-22

Patten, Gilbert: see William G. Patten

Patten, William G.: acknowledgment to, I, x, 6; II, 41, 46n, 66n, 81, 82, 90n, 127, 146n, 156, 189, 190; II, 222-24; comments on Victor, II, 286; comments on Warne, II, 289n

Paulding, Decatur: II, 224

Payn, James: II, 224-25

Payne, Harold: II, 225

Pearce, Samuel W., Jr.: II, 225

Pearson, Edmund: on Seth Jones, I, †33; quoted, II, 3; II, 6n, 9n, 82n, 93n, 96n, 112, 125n, 129, 144; on Wheeler, II, 296

Penfield, artist: I, 8

Pen names of authors: I, viii, 8; II, 4

Penne, Agile: II, 225

People's Library: I, 62

Periodicals: I, 414-76

Perry, Harry Dennies: II, 225

Petersen, Capt. Philip: II, 225

Petcrson's Magazine: I, 7

Philadelphia Saturday Courier contributor: J. H. Ingraham, II, 152

Phillips, Watts: II, 225

Phillipse, Lieut. Robert: II, 225

Phinney, H. & E.: I, 16

Pierstown, N. Y.: location, I, 16n

Pierce, Jo: II, 226

Piper, A. G.: II, 226

† Pistol-shooting skill: I, 453 (Beadle's Weekly/Banner Weekly (various title changes), no. 255.)

Pitcher, Hermon: acknowledgment to, I, xi; II, 40n, 41 n, 274n

Pittsburgh Evening Mail contributor: J. H. Ingraham, II, 152

Pittsburgh Landing: I, 411

Pittsburgh Leader contributor: J. H. Ingraham, II, 152

Pittsburgh Morning Chronicle contributor: Mayne Reid, II, 234

Pittsburgh Post contributor: Hartley T. Campbell, II, 48

Pittsburgh Press contributor: J. C. Jenks, II, 164

Planographic reprints of novels: II, 326

Pluck and Luck (Tousey): I, 70

Pocket Library: begun, I, 64; contain between thirty-five and forty thousand words, I, 5; I, 339-57

Pocket Novels: begun 1874, I, 59; I, 174-83

Pocket Songsters: I, 391

Police Gazette: I, 9, 61

Pontiac (Mich.) Jacksonian contributor: C. B. Lewis, II, 180

Pony Express: ended November 18, 1871, 57n

Popular Fifty Cent Bookis: I, 150-54

Popular Library: begun 1891, I, 68; I, 357-61

Porter, Ann E.: I, 7; II, 226-28

Porter, Jane: II, 228

Porterfield, Robert: II, 170

Portland (Me.) Daily Times contributor: C. P. Ilsley, II, 150

Portland (Me.) Transcript contributor: C. P. Ilsley, II, 151 Post, A. H.: II, 228

Powell brothers: characters in some novels, I, 5

Powell, Frank: II, 228-29

Poyntz, Launce: II, 229

Pratt, Anne S.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Pre-Beadle novels: II, 326

Prentice, George Henry: II, 229

Prescott, Harriet E.: I, 50

Prescott, Mary N.: II, 229

Prescott, Paul: II, 230

Preston, Percy: II, 230

Prices paid for Beadle novels: II, 325

Printing done by Beadle: I, 64

Productivity of Beadle and Adams: I, 5

Productivity of Street & Smith: I, 5

Productivity of Tousey: I, 5

Propertius: quoted, II, 85

Prout, Father: quoted, II, 151

Pseudonyms: publishers afraid of them, I, 8; difficulty in identifying, II, 4; how identified, II, 4; listed, II, 321-23

Publications during various years: (all Vol. I) 1860, 30; 1861, 40; 1862, 41; 1863, 45; 1864, 48; 1865, 49; 1866, 52; 1867, 54; 1868, 55; 1869, 56; decade 1870-79, 57; 1880-89, 63; 1890-99, 71

Publishers' Weekly: acknowledgment to, I, x

Quad, M.: II, 230

Queen of Spain story: I, 31

Quintilian: quoted, I, 68

Ralston, H. W.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 143n, 146n

Ramee, Louise de la: II, 230-31

Randolph, Lieut. J. H.: II, 231

Rarity of Beadle novels: II, 324

Raspe, Rudolf Erich: II, 231

Rathborne, St. George: II, 231-33

Read, Opie: II, 139

Reade, Charles: II, 234

"Ready" dates of novels: I, 75

Real estate boom in Nebraska and Kansas in 1856-57: I, 22

Rebak, H.: II, 234

Redpath's Books for the Camp Fires: I, 48

Redwing, Morris: II, 234

Regester, Seeley: II, 234

Registrar of Gettysburg College: acknowledgment to, I, x

Reid, Capt. Mayne: I, 7, 54, 61; II, 234-38

Repetition of titles and illustrations: I, viii

Reprinted novels: I, viii; became common after 1874, I, 58

Renter, Fritz: quoted, I, 8, 44, 121

Reversal of titles and subtitles: I, viii

Rexford, Eben: II, 238-39

Rexford, George Conant: II, 239

Rice, James: II, 239

Rice, Paul North: acknowledgment to, I, x

Richardson, Albert D.: illustrations used later in a Mark Twain book, I, 8; excerpt, I, 22; II, 239-40

Richmond's Novels: I, 61

Richmond (Ind.) Sunday Register contributor; J. E. Iliff, II, 149

Rideout, E. G., & Co.: I, 63 Riggs, E. C.: I, 50

Ringgold, Barry: II, 240

Ringwood, Ralph: II, 240-41

Riverside Library (Norman Munro): I, 62, 304

Robins, Seelin: II, 241

Robinson Crusoe: I, 48

Robinson, F. W.: II, 241

Robinson, George W.: II, 241

† Robinson, Henry Morton: I, 40

Robinson, Dr. John Hovey: II, 241-43

Rockwood, Roy: II, 243-44

Rodman, Emerson: II, 244

Rolfe, Albert W.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 245n

Rolfe, Maro O.: II, 244-48

Root, George A.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 103n

Ross, Charles Henry: II, 248

Rossi, Dr. Lambouillet: II, 248

Routledge, George: takes over the London branch of Beadle in 1866, I, 39

Routledge, Edmund: II, 248

Rover Boys stories (Stratemeyer): II, 264

Rowson, Susanna: II, 248-49

Roy, Ralph: II, 250

Russell, A. M.: II, 250

Russell, Don: acknowledgment to, I, x

Russell, Milton C.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Rymer, James Malcolm: II, 250-52

Sage, Abby (Mrs. Daniel McFarland): II, 240

St. George, George: II, 252

St. George, Harry: II, 252

St. John, Percy B.: II, 252

St. John, Warren: II, 252-53

St. Louis Globe Democrat contributors: Wm. Perry Brown, II, 43; E. Willett, II, 305

St. Louis Post Dispatch: acknowledgment to, I, x

St. Louis Times contributor: Edward Willett, II, 305

St. Meyer, Ned: II, 253

St. Mox, E. A.: II, 253

Sainte-Pierre, Bernardin: II, 253

St. Vrain, Maj. E. L.: II, 253

Sala, George Augustus: quoted, II, †250

Salsbury, Nate: with Cody, II, 59

Samuel Sowerby illustrated with previously used engravings: I, 8

Sandusky (O.) Daily Register contributor: O. J. Victor, II, 286

San Francisco Herald contributor: Maro Rolfe, II, 245

Sangster, Margaret E.: I, 60

Sara, Col. Delle: II, 253-54

Saturday Evening Post: acknowledgment to, I, x; I, 31n; contributors, Mrs. H. Bostwick, II, 36; Arthur Grissom, II, 124; P. Ingraham, II, 156

Saturday Journal: begun 1870, I, 60; serials listed, I, 422-43

Saturday Library: I, 63

Saturday Night (Elverson): I, 61

Saturday Star Journal: serials listed, I, 422-43

"Savage bit the dust" used in 1864: II, 136

Saxe, Burton: II, 254

Saxe, John G.: quoted, II, 110, 216

Schiller, J. F. C.: quoted, II, 222

School Books: I, 395

School Melodist: I, 388

Scott, C. P.: II, 103

Scott, Maj. SS.: II, 254

Scott, Sir Walter: quoted, II, 22; II, 254

Seabrook, H. V.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 197n

Seaside Library (George Munro): I, 62

Second class postal rates: I, 66

Secret Service (Tousey): I, 70

Senarens, Lu.: II, 100

Seneca: quoted, II, 48

Seth Jones: advertising campaign in 1860, I, 34; number of copies sold, I, 35

Seymour, Mary Davenport: acknowledgment to, I, x

Shakespeare: quoted, II, 5, 65, 140, 148, 179, 200

Shaw, H. C.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 69n

Shea, Cornelius: II, 253

Shelton, Agnes May: II, 254

Shenandoah Campaign: I, 411

Sheridan's Campaign: I, 411

Sherlock Holmes: first story about, II, 33n

Sherman's March to the Sea: I, 411

Sherwood, Scott R.: II, 254-55

Shields, T. Benton: II, 255

Shillaber, Benjamin P.: II, 55

Shipley, Henry R.: II, 255-56

Sidney, Sir Philip: quoted, II, 241

Sikes, Wirt: II, 256-58

Simms, W. Gilmore: II, 258

Sims, Lieut. A. K.: excerpt, I, 234; II, 258

Singing Sybil: II, 278

† Shooting skill: I, 453 (Beadle's Weekly/Banner Weekly (various title changes), no. 255.)

† Shute, Henry M.: I, 86 (Dime Novels, no. 84. )

Singleton, Fred T.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Six, a fatal number to the firm: I, 71

Six Penny Tales (Irwin Beadle): I, 150

Sixpenny Tales, London: I, 119-20

† Skill in revolver shooting: I, 453 (Beadle's Weekly/Banner Weekly (various title changes), no. 255.)

† Sleuth: suit to restrain Beadle from using word for a detective, I, 66

Slossen, Edwin E.: quoted, II, 1

Small, George, I, 61

Smith, Elizabeth Oakes: I, 7, 50; II, 217; II, 259-61

Smith, Mrs. George W.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 78n, 115n, 266n

Smith, Ronald M.: II, 261 Smith, Seba: II, 259

Soldiers' Directory to Pensions: I, 411

Soldiers read dime novels during Civil War: I, 39

Solt, Mrs. Linnaeus C.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 103n

Songbooks: I, 380-95; projected but unpublished, I, 394

Songs of the Hour: I, 388

Songs of the Olden Time: I, 388

Songsters: I, 389

South, Edwin: II, 261

Southworth, Arabella: II, 261

Sowerby, Samuel, illustrated by previously used engravings, I, 8

Speakers: I, 401-405

Spooner, Edward H.: biography, I, 53n; becomes member of the firm, 1867, I, 52; retires, 1869, I, 56

Springfield (Mass.) Republican contributors: J. L. Bowen, II, 37; W. P. Brown, II, 43

Standard Library of Romance: I, 122

Starbuck, Roger: II, 261

Star Journal: 1, 60; serials listed, I, 422-43; see also Saturday

Journal Starr, Frank, & Co.: established 1868-69, I, 56; operated until 1878, I, 57; connection with Beadle & Co., I, 56n

Starr's American Novels: first issue was No. 18, I, 56; had chromo covers after No. 138, I, 59; I, 154-65

Starr's Fifteen Cent Illustrated Novels: I, 168-69

Starr's New York Library: begun 1877, I, 59; I, 195-200

Starr's Songbooks: I, 391

Starr's Ten Cent Pocket Library: begun 1877, I, 59; I, 195

Stephens, Mrs. Ann: I, 7; sold Malaeska rights, I, 31; first dime novel, I, 31; II, 262-64

Stephens, H. L.: I, 8

Stephens, Marian Lee: II, 264

Stereotype foundry: of Commercial Advertiser, I, 18; Beadle's, I, 19

Stevenson, E. T.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Stewart, A. T.: I, 51n

Stinemetts, Henry: II, 267

Stock names not used by Beadle: II, 4

Stockton, Frank R.: I, 50

Stoddard, Maj. Henry B.: II, 264

Stoddard, R. H.: II, 305

Stoddard, W. O, Jr.: 264n

Stories reprinted in the weeklies: I, 63

Story papers: antedated dime novels, I, 3; Beadle's, I, 60; various publishers, I, 61

† Stowe, Harriet Beecher: 1, 7

Stratemeyer, Edward: II, 264-65

Street, Alfred B.: I, 50; II, 265-66

Street & Smith: I, 5; published Boys of the World, and New York Weekly, I, 61

Stryker, Clark W.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 294n

Stuart, Miss M. B.: II, 266

Studley, J. B.: took part of Cody in the play "King of Border Men": II, 57n

Study in Scarlet: II, 33n

Stutler, Boyd B.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Suit by George Munro against Beadle: I, 67

Sumner, Charles P.: II, 266

Sunday Dispatch, New York: I, 7

Sunnyside Library: begun 1877, I, 59; I, 250-53

Swayze, O. K.: acknowledgment to, I, x

Sweet, Alexander E., of Texas Sittings: II, 124

Swift, Jonathan: II, 266 Swift, Lewis J.: II, 266

Sypher, Josiah Rhinehart: II, 266

Syracuse (N. Y.) Evening Herald contributor: C. Dunning Clark, II, 51

Talbot, Frederick: II, 266-67

Tales, Traditions and Romance of Border Times: begun 1863, I, 45; I, 122-23

Talmage, T. DeWitt: II, 267

Tax Laws: I, 412-13

Taylor, Capt. Alfred B.: II, 267

Taylor, Bayard: quoted, II, 72

Ted Strong stories (G. C. Jenks): II, 164

Ten Cent Claude Duval Novels: I, 61-62

Ten Cent Pocket Library (Starr): I, 195

Ten Cent Novelettes (Elliott, Thomes & Talbot): begun 1863, I, 45

Ten Cent Novels (Irwin P. Beadle): I, 123-26

Ten Cent Stories (Irwin P. Beadle): I, 126-27

Terentius: quoted, I, 42; II, 128 Ternan, Ellen: II, 4

Texas Jack: character in some novels, I, 5; II, 267

Texas Siftings: II, 124

Thackeray, Anne Isabella: II, 267-68

Thackeray, Henrietta: II, 268

Thackeray, William Makepiece: II, 268; quoted, II, 444

Thins: I, 4n

Thomas, Annie: II, 268

Thomas, Henry J.: II, 268-72

Thomas, Mrs. Henry J.: II, 272

Thompson, J. H.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 186n

Thorne, Lieut. Alfred B.: II, 272

Thorne, Dora: II, 272

Thorne, Harley: I, 20 333 Broadway: address in 1858, I, 26

Ticknor & Fields: I, 61

Tip Top Library (Street & Smith): I, 70

Toledo Blade contributors: Maro Rolfe, II, 244; Wirt Sikes, II, 256

Tom Sawyer: I, 9; II, 174

Tom Swift stories (Stratemeyer): II, 265

Tom Wright stories (Whitson): II, 300

Topeffa (Kan.) Plain Dealer contributor: W. R. Eyster, II, 103

Tousey, Frank: I, 5

Tousey, Sinclair: president American News Co., 1864, 1, 47

Townley, Arthur: II, 272-73

Trade Handbooks: I, 380

Trask, Clara Augusta: II, 273-74

Tripp, C. E.: II, 274

Trollope, Anthony: II, 274

Trowbridge, J. T.: I, 9

True American: I, 61

Tuel. John E.: II, 274

Tunstall, W. B.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 242n

Turner, Cornelius P.: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 242n

Turner, Dr. William Mason: I, 7; II, 275-77

Twain, Mark: quoted, II, 51

Twenty Cent Novels: begun 1875, I, 59; I, 185-87

Twenty-five Cent Novels: I, 165

Two Sisters of the West: II, 288

Types of novels: I, 76

Types of stories desired by Beadle: I, 37

Uncle Remus: wrote for Beadle: I, 60

Uncle Tom's Cabin: dramatized by A. Aiken, I, 7; a play, II, 15

Undetermined pen names: I, ix

Unidentified novels: II, 5

Union Square Library: I, 62

Urban, Septimus R.: II, 277

Urner, Mrs. Charles A.: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 277n

Urner, Nathan D.: II, 277-78

Usher, Robert J.: acknowledgment to, I, ix

Utica (N. Y.) Morning Herald contributor: Wirt Sikes, II, 256

Value of novels, II, 323-26

Vanduzee, Benjamin: I, 18; drops out as partner, 1853,1, 20

Van Lennep, William: acknowledgment to, I, x; II, 219n

Vatican Library: I, 62

Ver Nooy, Winifred: acknowledgment to, I, x

Victor, Florence: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 280

Victor, Frances Fuller Barritt: II, 278

Victor, Henry: II, 29

"Victor Hugo's letter on John Brown": II, 410

Victor, Metta Victoria Fuller: I, 7; editor of The Home in 1859, I, 26; author of Half-Dime Novelette, I, 36; wrote for Beadle's Monthly, I, 50; longer novels, II, 61; biography, II, 278-85

Victor, Orville J.: I, 8; becomes Beadle's editor in 1861, I, 39; wrote for Beadle's Monthly, I, 50; member of the firm Adams, Victor & Co., I, 57; editor of Illuminated Western World, I, 61; resigned from the firm, 1897, I, 71; detects a spurious M. Quad, II, 4; II, 60; biography, II, 285-87; portrait, II, frontispiece; his children, II, 280; comments on Victor by Patten, II, 286; comments by Whitson, II, 287

Victor, Orville Winthrop: acknowledgment to, I, ix; II, 280n

Vidocq, Francois Eugene: II, 287

Violet Vane novels: I, 6

Visscher, Col. W. L.: II, 60, 139

Voltaire: quoted, II, 214

Volume of sales in 1864: I, 49

Vose, John Denison: II, 287-88

Waite, Arthur E.: quoted, II, 250

Walker, George: II, 288

Wallace, Big Foot: character in some novels, I, 5; associate of S. S. Hall, II, 125

Wallace, William Ross: II, 288

Walsh, William S.: II, 274n

Ward, Artemus: quoted, II, 106

Warfield, Catharine: I, 50; II, 288

Waring, Marcus H.: II, 288-89

War Library: I, 63

Warne, Philip Schuyler: II, 289-91; quoted, II, 293

Warner, John S.: II, 291

Warren, Charles Dudley: II, 291-92

Warren, J. Thomas: II, 292-93

Washington (D. C.) Sunday Herald contributor: A. P. Morris, II, 205

Watson, Eimo Scott: acknowledgment to, I, x

Watson, George: I, 34

Waverley Library, octavo edition: I, 64; I, 315-19

Waverley Library, quarto edition: begun 1879, I, 60; I, 304-14

Welles, Charles E.: I, 293

Wellington, Duke of: II, 173n

Wentworth, Charles: II, 293

Westbrook Co.: buys worn stereotype plates from Beadle, I, 71; reprints Beadle novels, II, 320

Western Authors' and Artists' Club: II, 124, 187, 245

Western World: I, 61

Wetzel, Lewis: character in some novels, I, 5

Wheeler, Captain: II, 293

Wheeler, Edward Lytton: I, 5; II, 272; II, 293-98

Whicher, Mrs. Frank: II, 298

White, George G.: Beadle's most prolific artist, I, 9n

Whitehead, Lewis, Sr.: II, 299

Whitehorn, Washington: II, 299

Whitson, John H.: I, 7; comment on Badger's writing habits, II, 25; is not Harry Hazelton, II, 114n; tribute to Orville J. Victor, II, 287; comment on Warne, II, 289; rewrote some of the Deadwood Dick, Jr., stories, II, 296; wrote some of the Frank Merriwell tales, II, 299; biography, II, 299-300

Whittaker, Frederick: I, 7; assistant editor Young New Yorker, I, 61; possibly ghost wrote for Monstery, II, 200; II, 300-303

Whittlesey, Sarah J. C.: II, 303-304

Wicks, Ed. A.: II, 304

Wide Awake Library (Tousey): I, 62

Wide World: I, 61

Wilcox, Ella Wheeler: II, 305

Wild Bill: character in some novels, I, 5; actor with Cody, II, 57; see James B. Hickok

Wilder, William West: II, 304

Wilkes, George: I, 61

Willett, Edward: I, 7, 50; II, 305-10

Willett, Elizabeth ("Mittens"): II, 305

Williams, John B.: II, 40

Williams street addresses: from 333 Broadway to 137 William street in 1859, I, 28; to No. 141 in 1860, I, 30; to 118 in 1862;, I, 41; to 98, 1868, I, 55; to 92 in 1896, I, 70

Wilmer, Margaret E.: I, 50

Wilson, Francis: speaks of Bartley Campbell's egotism, II, 48

Wilson, Woodrow: read dime novels, I, 9

Wilton, Capt. Mark: II, 310

Winthrop, Frank S.: II, 310

Winwood, Rett: II, 310

Wood, Mrs. Henry: II, 310

Wood, Willis: II, 124

Worcester, J. R.: II, 311

Words in various types of novels: I, 5

Wright, William, see Dan de Quille

Wylder, Lennox: II, 311

Yankee Blade contributors: William P. Brown, II, 43; Maro Rolfe, II, 244 Yards, Jo: II, 311

Yates, Edmund Hodgson: II, 311 Year Book and Almanac: I, 414

Yellow-backs: appeared 30 years before Beadle's Dime Novels, I, 3

Young Men of America (Tousey): I, 61

Young New Yorker: begun 1878, I, 61; I, 473-76

Young Peoples series of handbooks: I, 377

Young Sleuth Library (Tousey): I, 69

Youthfulness of members of the Beadle firm: I, 52

Youth's Casket: begun 1851, 1, 19; discontinued 1857, 1, 26; I, 414-18

† Corrections made as per Volume 3.

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