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Boucicault, Dion.

Dion[ysius] Lardner Boucicault, famous Irish actor, playwright, and novelist, was born in Dublin, December 22, 1822,(1) and died in New York, September 18, 1890. He collaborated with Charles Reade in writing "Foul Play" and several other novels (see list under Reade). He was twice married; first to Agnes Robertson and second to Louise Thorndyke.

† Correction made as per Volume 3.


1 Scribner's Dict. Amer. Biog., II, 475—76, gives the date of his birth December 26, 1820; Kunitz and Haycratt, Brit. Authors, 66-67, with portrait; Frank Leslie's Monthly, XVIII, 1884, 652, with portrait. †"Life, February 24, 1961, 39—44, with illustrations from his play The Octoroon."

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